Cardano Becomes Most Actively Developed Project in Crypto Industry

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Arman Shirinyan

Despite fun­da­men­tal growth and high devel­op­ment activ­i­ty, Car­dano fails to sat­is­fy investors’ demands


Car­dano has shown the high­est devel­op­ment activ­i­ty in the indus­try, leav­ing behind such projects as Kusama and Polka­dot, with over 350 com­mits made in the last month. Oth­er notable projects at the top are Ethereum and Solana, with more than 270 com­mits.

Cardano is getting bigger every day

The net­work has always been one of the most active­ly devel­oped projects in the whole indus­try, espe­cial­ly after drop­ping the smart con­tract update. Since the begin­ning of 2022, Car­dano is rolling out a great amount of new projects, updates and solutions.

One of the most recent updates was the upgrade of stake pool oper­a­tors on Car­dano node 1.35. The new update makes the most recent node ver­sion a can­di­date for the final main­net Vasil hard­fork release. With the launch of the node net­work, all the ‌updates and fix­es will have a soft and sta­ble launch of Vasil.


In addi­tion to con­stant updates of the network—which is get­ting ready to receive a mas­sive Vasil upgrade—Cardano still sup­ports small­er solu­tions like eUTxO blockchain explor­er, which has earned praise from the project founder, Charles Hoskin­son, and decen­tral­ized projects like Wingriders.

Market performance remains anemic

Despite active fun­da­men­tal devel­op­ment, Car­dano strug­gles to show any pos­i­tive move­ments on the cryp­tocur­ren­cy mar­ket as the blockchain’s under­ly­ing cryp­tocur­ren­cy remains in a sharp down­trend in the last 300 days of trading.

Cardano performance
Source: Trad­ingView

Since Sep­tem­ber, Car­dano has lost more than 84% of its val­ueб which makes it one of the least prof­itable assets in the whole indus­try. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, no sig­nals for a rever­sal have appeared on the mar­ket despite con­stant updates and ris­ing net­work usage. At press time, ADA is chang­ing hands at $0.49.

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