Polkadex Aims to Win Parachain Slot on Polkadot
Alex Dovbnya Polkadex has announced a crowdloan campaign to win a parachain slot on Polkadot Polkadex, a decentralized order book-based...
Alex Dovbnya Polkadex has announced a crowdloan campaign to win a parachain slot on Polkadot Polkadex, a decentralized order book-based...
Polkadex Inc., the DeFi order-book exchange built on Substrate, has announced its bid for a parachain slot on Polkadot. After...
Vladislav Sopov Parallel Finance DeFi has won the latest parachain auction and leased a slot in Polkadot's architecture Contents Parallel...
Parallel Finance announced winning Polkadot’s fourth parachain slot, with contributions totaling 10,75 million DOT–equating to roughly $300 million.In order to...
The winner of the 4th slot in the Polkadot parachain auctions has emerged, and with a total of $306million in...
Like a bride or a groom changing their mind before the fateful “I do,” the much-anticipated Polkadot Parachain Slot Auctions...
DeFi protocol Acala has won the first-ever Polkadot parachain auction on Thursday. The platform raised a total of 32.5 million...
News Acala network wins Polkadot’s first parachain auction slot. Polkadot will onboard Acala on block #8179200 on December 18. Acala...
Polkadot has added another feather to its cap by onboarding Acala, an Ethereum-compatible platform for building DeFi-focused smart contracts. Acala...
DFG allocates 500,000 DOT to Acala ahead of Polkadot parachain auctionsProjects can ‘bid’ for slots on the Polkadot platform using...