‘Bitcoin Jesus’ Roger Ver Spars With Crypto Exchange CoinFlex Over Margin Call
(Bloomberg) -- A public dispute between a longtime crypto investor and a digital-asset exchange is the latest in a series...
(Bloomberg) -- A public dispute between a longtime crypto investor and a digital-asset exchange is the latest in a series...
Today, Mark Lamb, CEO of the crypto exchange CoinFLEX said on his official Twitter account that Roger “Bitcoin Jesus” Ver...
Alex Dovbnya Prominent Bitcoin entrepreneur and convinced felon Roger Ver has been served with a notice of default by CoinFLEX...
Roger Ver, an early Bitcoin investor and Bitcoin Cash proponent, has pushed against claims from crypto investment platform CoinFLEX regarding...
Alex Dovbnya Roger Ver sees Dogecoin potentially becoming the world’s dominant cryptocurrency Roger Ver, one of the earliest adopters of...
Roger Ver, an early investor and ardent promoter of Bitcoin (BTC) which earned him the moniker “Bitcoin Jesus” has resurfaced...
Grammy Award-winning DJ and producer Roger Sanchez performed a two-hour live stream on Thursday, March 3rd to commemorate the launch...
As of mid-day Wednesday, there were zero bids for Stone’s item. The NFT is part of a larger auction this...