No Settlement Seen in SEC-Ripple Deadlock; Render Contender Emerges as AI Sector Front-runner

Matt Williams

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| 3 min read


The SEC continues to battle with Ripple in their court case, much to the dismay of many XRP investors. Simultaneously, one project has captured the attention of AI investors by the name of InQubeta. This project is considered one of the best altcoins to buy and is seen as a massive competitor to other tokens like Render. This is because of its commitment to creating new opportunities for upcoming startups, giving them a much bigger head start thanks to InQubeta’s strong fundraising features.

SEC vs Ripple 

Both parties involved in this case are standing their ground, centering on financial positioning. The SEC has put forth a motion to Ripple Labs to uncover and expose their financial statements from 2022 and 2023. The purpose of this is to allow the SEC to properly investigate Ripple’s operations in detail since the complaint in December 2020.

On the other hand, Ripple is preparing its own defense that represents immunities for institutional sales, despite violating securities laws. If they’re successful, Ripple could mitigate all the financial penalties that they’re facing at the moment, which would definitely be ideal for investors.

Furthermore, Ripple criticized the SEC for a continuous broadening of their allegations, stating an “inappropriate extension of allegation”. In light of this, both parties settling the case does seem unlikely. There is still a chance for future discussions and negotiations, but only time will tell if XRP can win and regain its status as one of the top altcoins in the market.

InQubeta Is Leading The AI Niche

InQubeta is where artificial intelligence (AI) meets blockchain technology and creates an exciting investment opportunity for all participants. InQubeta introduces interested parties to the QUBE token, an ERC20 token with a unique deflation tool.

What really sets InQubeta apart is its innovative NFT market. On this platform, AI startups tokenize their investment opportunities, allowing investors to buy shares of these companies with QUBE tokens. This feature helps to even the playing field in AI investing, making it much more accessible to investors who might have different budgets. This means InQubeta could very well be the best cryptocurrency to invest in now.

But wait, there’s more. The QUBE token includes a 2% tax on purchases and sales, with the proceeds going to a burn wallet. This makes sure that the value of the token increases over time, not decreases. Additionally, the 5% sales tax supports a dedicated prize pool, which allows token holders to earn rewards through staking. Everyone loves staking.

InQubeta’s vision revolves around making AI investments transparent, secure and accessible to all. The combination of AI and blockchain on the platform creates a unique, forward-thinking ecosystem. Be sure to get involved before the next bull cycle starts so you can get in on low prices and make some great gains in the process, but of course, that’s not financial advice.

InQubeta’s choice of the Ethereum blockchain underscores its commitment to security and transparency. Looking ahead, InQubeta plans to expand its investment ecosystem by becoming multichain in 2024, leveraging the strengths of multiple blockchain platforms, making it one of the best coins to invest in.

Visit InQubeta Presale   


Overall, the XRP and SEC case has seemingly been overshadowed as people have been asking how to buy the BTC ETF – but that hasn’t stopped the court case from raging on. Thankfully, there is some positive altcoin news, though, as the futuristic and AI based InQubeta continues to break records and grow its community in exponential fashion.

Whether you invest in the above tokens or not, be sure to do extensive research before you do. It’s also important to measure and understand your own risk tolerance, as this will determine the type of projects you can invest in and at what rate.

Visit InQubeta Presale

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