The FC Barcelona denies rumours of the auction of the NFT of Alexia Putellas

This Friday had trascended in the newspaper ‘Plough’ an information that suggested that the person that bought the digital work (NFT) of Alexia Putellas, captain of the FC Barcelona and twice winning of the Balloon of Gold, was directly related with the project of Barça Vision. From the Barcelona entity have not taken in denying the information, through a communiqué issued in his social networks.
The Barcelona have aimed that “andl final increase of the value of purchase is an usual fact in the world of the auctions, where the possible buyers expect to the last moment to ensure to be able to do a definite offer by the piece that want to purchase.”, standing out that before the hour of the closing the offer was of 120 ETHs, but a chamber of hour before it finish the term arrived an offer of 160 EThs that finish carrying the NFT.
The Barça ‘answer’ to the newspaper Ploughs
Doing reference to the news published by the newspaper ‘PLOUGH’, in which they express that it was by part of “an anonymous user under the nickname MoonPayHG”, from the Barça justify that ‘MoonPay’ is a method of common payment in the world of Blockchain, that is to say, is not an user. On the other hand, they stand out that, of the coleccción “Gold Edition of the NFT, associated to the Masterpiece #2 like bond between the buyer and the FC Barcelona. The club wants to clear that it does not exist any collection called Gold Edition of the NFT neither any project in this sense to short or half term”.
On the other hand, they have established the criteria by which increases the price in an auction of a NFT, that prevails by criteria of “exclusivity, the narrative associated, the artistic value of the work, the utilities and experiences associated and, above all else, the interest of the market”. In this sense, have defended that the work “Masterpiece #2: Empowerment” was elaborated by Rhi Madeline, the one who is part of World of Women, the greater association of women digital artists of the world.
“The utilities or experiences associated to the NFT were three: a Meet & Greet with the captain of the FC feminine Barcelona, Alexia Putellas, the boots of football signed by the footballer, and a chair of the ancient Spotify Camp Nou illustrated by the artist Oscar Tusquets, and signed by Alexia”, explain, adding that “andl buyer has been able to enjoy already of the two first experiences and the delivery of the third will make when the diary of the buyer allow it”.
Sample of transparency by part of the FC Barcelona
Finally, they have detailed that “from the Department of Communication of the FC Barcelona wanted to facilitate to the newspaper ‘Plough’ the contact with the buyer of the Masterpiece #2 like sample of informative transparency and to facilitate the denied of the history. Today the buyer has contacted with the club to inform that, in spite of having requested keep in the anonymity, the newspaper publishes details of the buyer and has modified the sense of his words to try test a non-existent relation between him and the FC Barcelona”.
Finally, they signal that “the FC Barcelona shows surprised by the method of journalistic investigation used in this case that includes the telephone bullying to personnel of the club or do case omiso to the voice of the club on the veracity of this history. By this reason the FC Barcelona reserves the right to undertake the actions that consider timely in defence of his workers, of the reputation of his active and the impact in potential investors”.