Introducing Blockchain-based “.box” Top Level Domains Inc, the groundbreaking domain name company, has announced that its Public Beta went live for testing on January 18, 2024, at 12:00 PM ET. This is a momentous occasion, as it marks the first step towards the first ever publicly available domain name system that is natively supported by email, wallets, and browsers.

What are. box domains and what do they offer?

.box has raised the bar when it comes to top-level domains (TLDs) that are based on blockchain technology. Although a number of other blockchain domain systems have recently emerged and caused a stir, they have failed to live up to expectations since they are incompatible with conventional web browsers and email services. .box stands out because it is not just all hype, but is supported by the Ethereum Name Service (ENS), is recognised by the global Domain Name System (DNS), and has been accredited by ICANN. Intercap Registry, a registry operator designated by ICANN, owns and operates TLD.

With their extensive network impacts, DNS and ENS have both become essential components of the internet’s backbone. .box is at the forefront of a new strategy that seamlessly merges the capabilities of both platforms, giving users an improved experience.

Furthermore,.box assures Web3 and Web2 users that their privacy remains private indeed. .box domain owners have decentralised control over their domain and can use it to manage DNS records, integrate with ENS, accept payments, authenticate with Web3, communicate with Web3, visit websites, and send and receive email.


To ensure that everyone has equal access, .box domains will go through a premium pricing phase during launch. Starting at $7,680 USDC, prices will drop exponentially over 6 days, reaching a fixed amount of $120 USDC at the end. The annual renewal fee for all domains is $120 USDC. The dApp hosted at can be used for both the minting and management of domains. You can pay with either Ethereum or USDC.

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