Weekly Article Recap: 1/8-1/12

The combination of blockchain, AR, and AI aims to bring a new level of magic to the gaming field, providing personalized gameplay experiences.

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With technology constantly progressing, an innovation that has been making waves in the gaming industry is blockchain technology. While it was first popular for its use cases in the cryptocurrency field, blockchain technology proved to have significantly more use cases, today being useful in almost any industry you can think of. 

Thus, many developers started relying on blockchain technology to reshape the gaming landscape, and after some years since we welcomed crypto games to the table, it is fair to say that blockchain had and still has a great impact on the gaming world.

Along with other advanced technologies, blockchain technology is in to make crypto games the top choice in the gaming industry. But how do such technologies change the gaming landscape? 

Blockchain Technology, Shortly

Let’s start with the basics. Blockchain is an immutable distributed ledger that records transactions as securely and transparently as possible. Unlike traditional databases stored on a single server, a blockchain’s information is stored on a network of numerous computers from all over the world. This way, fraud and tampering information become close to impossible. 

A blockchain consists of blocks, each block storing a list of transactions that, once added, become a permanent part of the ledger. Thus, it is crystal clear that blockchain technology is a much safer option than other older technologies out there. 

One of the key features of blockchain technology is decentralization. There is no central entity controlling the network, and this reduces the risk of a central point of failure. Instead, through decentralization, all users of the network participate in voting procedures and confirm transactions that are then added to the block.

Furthermore, with blockchain come smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with terms and conditions directly added to the initial code. This may be one of the most important features and can ensure a high level of transparency while also automating processes related to the specific blockchain. 

Employing Advanced Technologies in Blockchain Games

The gaming industry already embraced blockchain technology, that is for sure. And once blockchain games were a thing, developers could not stop there. Thus, they started looking for other advanced technologies they could combine with blockchain to make the best out of a game. 

Employing advanced technologies in blockchain games can lead to a more user-centered product, improving players’ experience to surprising extents. For instance, think of the integration of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) into games. These unique digital assets can offer players true ownership and the ability to trade in-game items, which can make a game significantly better. 

Integrating non-fungible tokens into games can increase the rarity of various in-game items, also adding value to virtual objects, and this can also contribute to the overall growth of a game’s popularity. 

Furthermore, AR (Augmented Reality) should not be left behind. This advanced technology can improve the gaming experience by seamlessly integrating virtual elements into real-life surroundings. 

Just think that you find a Web3 AR game that uses augmented reality and allows you to discover the NFTs you hold in the game blended with real-life elements. For instance, if you hold an NFT for an alien, you might as well end up sitting next to it on a bench in a park. Isn’t that intriguing? 

Besides, everything can become better with AI (Artificial Intelligence). AI introduces an element of adaptability to blockchain-based games. Advanced AI algorithms can analyze player behavior and learn some patterns and preferences in order to adjust the gaming experience as dynamically as possible. 

A personalized gaming experience can keep players more engaged by customizing rewards, challenges, and the overall gameplay based on each player’s style, preferences, and many more. 

The combination of blockchain, AR, and AI can bring some more magic to the gaming field. First, blockchain ensures the secure and transparent management of in-game assets. Then, augmented reality takes these assets and combines them with the landscape that surrounds players in real life. Furthermore, AI can contribute to improving the user experience by offering a personalized gameplay based on users’ preferences, behaviors, and decision-making processes. 

Crypto Games and Their Tokenomics

With crypto games, there comes the opportunity to earn tokens while playing. Blockchain-based games can use various game models, and while they can choose from a great number of already existing options, they can also develop new ones. 

You surely have heard of P2E or play-to-earn. This is a game model widely used in the crypto gaming world. It simply implies that you have to play the game in order to earn crypto. Furthermore, you can earn in-game assets you can then use to win other rewards in the form of NFTs, simple native tokens, and many more. 

However, P2E is not the only game model used in the industry. Another pretty popular option is M2E (Move-to-Earn). And we felt that it’s right to mention it because it can do wonders when combined with augmented reality. 

Thus, remember the example we provided earlier? You can discover an in-game asset right beside you, blended into real-life surroundings, but with the help of an M2E game model combined with AR features. You will also be able to win various rewards while doing so. And this is part of the blockchain games’ magic. 

In Conclusion

The integration of advanced technology into the gaming industry is truly changing the way we perceive and use games, offering multiple opportunities for both players and developers. Decentralization, security, and transparency are the features that make blockchain-based games a top choice for players worldwide. 

When you add other advanced technologies, such as AR and AI, to a blockchain game, things get even more interesting. Developers have significantly more opportunities when developing a game, and the user experience can also be improved while offering more engaging gameplay. 

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