Flamingo Swap integration and voting management added to nDapp.org

The nDapp.org platform, dedicated to the discovery of Neo dApps, has recently added new features aimed at facilitating user interaction within the Neo ecosystem. These updates include the integration of Flamingo Finance for token swaps, and advanced tools for NEO holders to manage their votes.

Flamingo Swap integration

nDapp.org now offers users the ability to connect their wallets using WalletConnect and perform token swaps on the platform’s Tokens page via Flamingo Finance. This service is initially available for tokens that share liquidity pools on Flamingo. For instance, tokens like FLM and fUSDT, part of the FLP-FLM-fUSDT pool, can be swapped with each other. Future versions will add routing capabilities so that tokens that do not share a pool can still be traded.

nDapp.org does not charge extra fees for swaps conducted through the Flamingo platform. This integration also provides a contingency for users to access Flamingo Finance services in case of front-end downtime. Additional exchange support may be added in the future.

GAS Calculator for Vote Management

Another significant addition is the GAS Calculator, a tool designed to assist users in managing their votes. By connecting their wallets via WalletConnect, users can estimate the GAS rewards for voting on various candidates based on their NEO holdings and adjust their votes accordingly. The calculator offers GAS estimates over daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly intervals, providing values in both GAS and USD. For users without a connected wallet, the calculator also allows for the input of NEO holdings to estimate potential GAS generation.

NFT Collection Page

The platform has also introduced an NFT Collection page. This feature offers insights into the total supply, average price, and trading volume of NFT collections available on the GhostMarket NFT marketplace.

Upcoming Features

Looking forward, nDapp.org plans to continue introducing new features, including Gleeder integration, GasBot wallet management, Neo X support, options for fiat purchases, and more. These future features are aligned with nDapp.org’s objective to enhance discovery and onboarding of applications within the ecosystem.

For more information and to explore these features, users can visit nDapp.org.

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