Crypto firms breach rules more than 200 times in first fortnight

Crypto trading firms have broken new promotion rules hundreds of times in the first fortnight since they became regulated by the City watchdog. 

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said it has issued 221 alerts over firms illegally promoting cryptocurrency to consumers online.

The Government legislated to bring promotions of certain crypto assets within FCA financial promotions rules earlier this year. They came into force on October 8.

Firms promoting crypto in the UK must now be authorised or registered by the regulator, or have their marketing approved by an FCA authorised firm.

The regulator said some firms failed to properly alert consumers about the risks involved in trading crypto or only provided warnings in small fonts or hard-to-read colouring.

The FCA has already taken action and placed restrictions on one firm,, to stop it promoting crypto after it was found to have broken the rules.

“We expect authorised firms approving the financial promotions of crypto assets to take their regulatory obligations seriously. Where this is not happening, we will take action,” the regulator said on Wednesday.

“Where firms are engaging with the FCA in good faith with a view toward achieving compliance we are taking a proportionate approach to implementation.”

Crypto promotions must also be clear, fair, and not misleading, labelled with prominent risk warnings and must not inappropriately incentivise people to invest. The rules apply to firms wherever they are based globally.

The FCA said that even with the rules crypto remains “high-risk and largely unregulated” so people should be prepared to “lose all their money”.

“We are working with businesses including social media platforms, app stores, search engines and domain name registrars to remove or block illegal promotions,” the FCA said.

“We are also working with payments firms to limit UK consumer exposure to firms issuing illegal promotions. These businesses should consider the alerts we have issued and play their part in protecting UK consumers.

“We are continuing to identify and act against firms that are illegally promoting crypto assets to UK consumers.”

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