Crypto millionaire found dead with body in pieces, had received threats: Report | World News

Fernando Pérez Algaba, the Crypto millionaire whose dismembered body was found in a suitcase in Argentina recently, reportedly received threats in the week before his brutal murder.

Fernando Pérez Algaba(Twitter)
Fernando Pérez Algaba(Twitter)

“I’m going to kill you, I’m going to do something worse to you. I’m going to gouge out your eyes and cut off your hands so that you can’t have any more money in your life,” a man threatened in a menacing voice message to Fernando before he went missing.

“I swear on my children that I have no problem going to jail,” said the man, who was identified only by his surname Iglesias, according to Argentinian outlet Télam.

41-year-old Fernando had gone missing on July 18. His dismembered remains were found in a red suitcase by a group of children while playing near a stream in Ingeniero Budge, Buenos Aires. The suitcase reportedly contained the victim’s legs and forearm. Fernando’s missing head and torso was found later after authorities began their investigation.

The dismembered pieces of body were identified as that of Fernando with the help of fingerprints and tattoos.

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According to the autopsy report, Fernando was shot three times before his body was cut into pieces. Reportedly, amputation of the body was done cleanly, suggesting the work of a professional.

Fernando had risen from humble roots. He started working as a pizza delivery boy at the age of just 14 years. Later, he began repairing and reselling vehicles. Eventually, he made a fortune through his business and by dealing in cryptocurrency. He had almost a million followers on Instagram.

Reportedly, Fernando owed $70,000 to Iglesias’ son. In another voice message, Iglesias told him: “You betrayed me, and you caught me. I have a poison with you that I hate you.”

As per reports, Fernando had developed gambling problem during the Covid-19 pandemic and had lost a lot of money investing in crypto.

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