DeFi Protocol Rook’s CEO Saying in Recent Governance Call

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Decen­tral­ized Finance (DeFi) pro­to­col, Rook, has col­lect­ed lit­tle atten­tion as its Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer (CEO) shared his thoughts. Dur­ing a com­mu­ni­ty gov­er­nance call, the pseu­do­ny­mous CEO of Rook, Haz­ard, said, “the will of the order flow providers binds us.” After this, it looks like Rook is gath­er­ing more atten­tion for its mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar cryp­to trea­sury. Thus tak­ing it quite far away from its real busi­ness of build­ing tools for the Ethereum blockchain, Coin­Desk reported.

DeFi pro­to­cols are sim­ply codes, pro­ce­dures, and rules that gen­er­al­ly gov­ern the sys­tems uti­lized in DeFi. Using DeFi pro­to­cols, par­tic­i­pants in the ecosys­tem can take the ben­e­fits to trade, lend, and stake tokens.

The Statement of DeFi Protocol’s CEO

On March 23, Thurs­day, the response from Rook’s CEO sparked dis­sent from some of its token hold­ers. Dur­ing the gov­er­nance call on Rook’s Dis­cord serv­er, its pseu­do­ny­mous CEO Haz­ard drove on per­cep­tions that man­age­ment has failed to ful­fill. While the recent silence on project progress and lack of a roadmap is a func­tion of ROOK’s clien­tele and their “con­ser­v­a­tive” lawyers’ pref­er­ence for stay­ing qui­et, he said.

Haz­ard shared his state­ment for Rook users for cap­tur­ing trans­ac­tion val­ue or Max­i­mal Extractable Val­ue (MEV) on Ethereum. He said “We’re bound by the will of the order flow providers. They’re the cus­tomer, and the cus­tomer is always right.”

The response came as some in the Rook Decen­tral­ized Autonomous Orga­ni­za­tion (DAO) chafe at what they see to be a stag­nat­ing project no longer work­ing in the best inter­est of its com­mu­ni­ty. How­ev­er, a recent pro­pos­al calls for the DAO to dis­solve and split Rook’s trea­sury between hold­ers of the Rook (ROOK) token.

Dur­ing the gov­er­nance call, Haz­ard “down­played the impor­tance of the token and cau­tioned spec­u­la­tors not to think it will per­form based on the out­put of ROOK.” Notably, the ROOK token gave vot­ing pow­er to its hold­ers in deci­sions placed before the DAO.

Haz­ard said on the call, “It’s dif­fi­cult to have pub­lic gov­er­nance with pri­vate infor­ma­tion. Per­haps it’s the case that it has swung too far toward pri­vate infor­ma­tion, and maybe we need to swing back a bit.”

Mean­while, Jason Win­dawi, who host­ed the gov­er­nance call, did not make any imme­di­ate response.

Fur­ther­more, a pseu­do­ny­mous self-described trad­ing fund, Wis­mer­hill, also wrote in a Twit­ter thread on March 22 that states “In a recent pro­pos­al, ROOK’s man­age­ment team recent­ly tried to cut the gov­er­nance token hold­ers from the gov­er­nance process and steal $37M from the $47M DAO treasury.”

Wis­mer­hill also not­ed, “ROOK gov­er­nance con­trols a DAO-owned trea­sury of ~$44M, the project is valu­ing the project below $10M.”

Nancy J. Allen
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