Shift Crypto Announces Partnership With Pocket Bitcoin Allowing DCA Within BitBox02 Hardware Wallet

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The part­ner­ship will pro­vide a secure and easy way to pur­chase and store self-cus­to­di­al bit­coin, through a wid­get in the BitBoxApp.

Swiss-based hard­ware wal­let man­u­fac­tur­er Shift Cryp­to has announced a long-term part­ner­ship with Swiss bit­coin bro­ker Pock­et Bit­coin. The col­lab­o­ra­tion aims to pro­vide an easy and secure way to pur­chase and store self-cus­to­di­al bitcoin.

Pock­et Bit­coin already offers a dol­lar-cost aver­ag­ing (DCA) ser­vice, and the part­ner­ship with Shift Cryp­to will make it even sim­pler and more secure, accord­ing to a press release sent to Bit­coin Mag­a­zine. The BitBox02 hard­ware wal­let allows users to safe­ly store and trans­act bit­coin with ease. Its code is open-source, includ­ing the com­pan­ion Bit­BoxApp, which has now inte­grat­ed the Pock­et Bitcoin’s wid­get to allow investors to buy bit­coin direct­ly to their hard­ware wallet.

“At Pock­et Bit­coin, our goal is to make buy­ing bit­coin as easy as mak­ing a bank trans­fer,” said David Knez­ić, CEO and co-founder of Pock­et Bit­coin. “We have cre­at­ed a way for cus­tomers to buy bit­coin with­out hav­ing to open an account or iden­ti­fy them­selves. Our cus­tomers receive their bit­coin direct­ly into their wal­let. For this, there is no bet­ter part­ner than Shift Cryp­to and we are excit­ed to work with them to make buy­ing and stor­ing bit­coin even easier.”

Through the new wid­get, BitBox’s users can now eas­i­ly set up a DCA with­out going through exten­sive KYC process­es. There is no ver­i­fi­ca­tion required for orders up to €950 per day. In addi­tion, users can share their xpub, which includes all bit­coin address­es from their account. This fea­ture allows for the bit­coin to be paid out to new, unused bit­coin address­es, which increas­es pri­va­cy when using bitcoin.

Dou­glas Bakkum, CEO and co-founder of Shift Cryp­to, said his com­pa­ny “believes every­one deserves finan­cial sov­er­eign­ty. In our vision, that starts with the opti­mal secu­ri­ty pro­vid­ed by a hard­ware wal­let. Togeth­er with Pock­et Bit­coin, this con­tin­ues by enabling indi­vid­u­als to acquire bit­coin direct­ly in the Bit­BoxApp while stay­ing in full con­trol at all times. We are excit­ed to part­ner with Pock­et Bit­coin, a com­pa­ny that match­es our val­ues of self-cus­tody and finan­cial freedom.”

The part­ner­ship offers a cheap­er ser­vice for Euro­pean cus­tomers, with the option to buy bit­coin via bank trans­fer at a 1.5% fee. To cel­e­brate their part­ner­ship, the two com­pa­nies are offer­ing a bonus of 10k sats on all first-time trans­ac­tions via the new Bit­BoxApp inte­gra­tion until March 15th, 2023.

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