DeFiChain To Sponsor Germany’s Popular UFC Equivalent, “NFC”

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DeFiChain, the DeFi-cen­tric blockchain on the Bit­coin net­work, has announced that its com­mu­ni­ty has vot­ed to spon­sor the Nation­al Fight­ing Cham­pi­onship (NFC) this year. NFC, the Ger­man ver­sion of the pop­u­lar Mixed Mar­tial Arts sport UFC, is the body in charge of the mixed mar­tial arts (MMA) fight­ing league in Germany.

NFC is the biggest Ger­man MMA league, with the lat­est NFC event (NFC 10) reach­ing more than 10 mil­lion view­ers world­wide. The oppor­tu­ni­ty to spon­sor the biggest Ger­man MMA league will allow DeFiChain to attract more cryp­to-curi­ous peo­ple in the Ger­man market.

The growing popularity of NFC and DeFiChain’s take on it

DeFiChain has a grow­ing com­mu­ni­ty base in the Ger­man mar­ket and aims to lever­age NFC’s grow­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty to onboard more users to its net­work. NFC has host­ed six live events in 2023, each of which has attract­ed 2,500–6,000 fans onsite. 

There’s no greater proof of NFC’s ris­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty than the fact that it is already being broad­cast on Ger­man tele­vi­sion on Sport1 and streamed on social media, where it has a siz­able fol­low­ing and a loy­al fan­base. DeFiChain has com­mit­ted to spon­sor­ing the fol­low­ing five of the six events this year:

  • 25 March, 2023: NFC 13 West­falen­hallen Dortmund
  • 27 May, 2023: NFC 14 Mar­itim Hotel Düsseldorf
  • 16 Sep­tem­ber, 2023: NFC 15 Telekom Dome Bonn
  • 11 Novem­ber, 2023: NFC 16 Show­palast Munich
  • 16 Decem­ber, 2023: NFC 17 Mar­itim Hotel Düsseldorf

Michael Ortlepp, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of the NFC orga­niz­er Fight­ing GmbH, said, “It is a great joy and priv­i­lege for us to announce our part­ner­ship with DeFiChain. NFC, as well as DeFiChain fol­low the same val­ues and goals and are made for a great part­ner­ship that will have a last­ing effect on the Ger­man MMA scene.

Accord­ing to a recent research com­mis­sioned by DeFiChain and con­duct­ed by sev­er­al agen­cies, cryp­to users were found to be pas­sion­ate fanat­ics of gam­ing, bas­ket­ball, fight­ing sports and drone rac­ing. This makes a strong case for DeFiChain to want a piece of the NFC action.

What’s in for winners?

As a lead­ing spon­sor of the event, DeFiChain will give 10,000 “Fight­er of the Night Bonus” to raise the stakes and moti­vate fight­ers to give their best. This will also be good for rais­ing the enter­tain­ment val­ue of the sport. The “Fight­er Of The Night Bonus” will go to the best fight of the evening, and the win­ners will receive their pay direct­ly in DFI in their Wallet. 

The fans have also not been left behind, as they form a cru­cial tar­get mar­ket for DeFiChain. Each fight night, NFC fans will be ran­dom­ly select­ed for “Fan of the Night Bonus” and those with DeFiChain wal­lets will receive 1000 DFI tokens.

While win­ners are free to use their win­nings in whichev­er way they want, they will also be exposed to invest­ment options like dStocks or liq­uid­i­ty min­ing on DeFiChain. These options have the advan­tage of giv­ing them oppor­tu­ni­ties to earn more rewards. 

DeFiChain was cre­at­ed as a hard fork of the Bit­coin net­work and has been keen on engag­ing its user com­mu­ni­ty since it launched its main­net in 2020. Fur­ther­more, its open-source code­base is the sub­ject of active dis­cus­sions among the devel­op­er com­mu­ni­ty. Its com­mu­ni­ty can par­tic­i­pate in mas­tern­odes, projects, tools, gov­er­nance, eco­nom­ic ideas, and even code governance. 

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