“Record” 1 SHIB Got Burned, Here’s Why It’s Important, Platform Says

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Yuri Molchan

Shib­burn plat­form has report­ed one whole SHIB get­ting burned in one trans­ac­tion; this is very impor­tant burn, it insists


A plat­form that burns SHIB tokens and tracks burn trans­ac­tions of this meme coin made by oth­er projects and anony­mous indi­vid­u­als has tak­en to Twit­ter to announce that over the past few hours, only one Shi­ba Inu token was destroyed in one of the two transfers.

Shib­burn explains why even this drop in the ocean is real­ly impor­tant for fur­ther burns of SHIB.

28 million SHIB + 1 SHIB burned within 3 hours

In a recent­ly pub­lished tweet, Shib­burn pro­vid­ed infor­ma­tion about mere­ly one SHIB token sent to a dead wal­let by a sin­gle trans­ac­tion. The per­son behind the account admits that “it’s all kicks and gig­gles”; how­ev­er, they remind­ed the SHIB army that the more users vis­it trans­ac­tion pages on their web­site, even to see just one SHIB burned and then start trolling this “event,” the more it will help the web­site to burn a lot more meme tokens.

How­ev­er, the sit­u­a­tion lev­eled out when, an hour lat­er, the same han­dle tweet­ed that a total of 28,539,501 Shi­ba Inu coins was removed from the cir­cu­lat­ing supply.

223.2 million SHIB burned in past week

Accord­ing to a Sun­day tweet by the same account, with­in the past sev­en days, the amount of burned SHIB tokens has surged to top rough­ly 100% of what was burned in the week pri­or to that.

This time, the joint efforts of the SHIB army have helped to destroy a total of 223,264,370 SHIB, tak­ing 51 trans­ac­tions to achieve that.

Last Sun­day, about twice as few meme tokens were sent to dead-end wal­lets – 106,780,540 SHIB.

How­ev­er, in the com­ment thread on the “vic­to­ri­ous” Sun­day tweet, many users crit­i­cized the slow pace and small scale of remov­ing SHIB from cir­cu­la­tion, stat­ing that so far it has had a zero impact on the asset’s price, and it can take ages to burn the major­i­ty of the sup­ply, hint­ing that basi­cal­ly SHIB burns so far have been pret­ty irrelevant.

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