Cardano Just Introduced DUST Token, Here’s What Is Known

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Car­dano recent­ly unveiled Mid­night, a zero-knowl­edge data pro­tec­tion-based sidechain, and its upcom­ing token, Dust.

While fur­ther details on Mid­night are still com­ing in, lit­tle or noth­ing is known about its token, Dust. This has left sev­er­al Car­dano users won­der­ing what the DUST token might be all about and its sub­se­quent use cases.

There are also spec­u­la­tions about where things stand for ADA, the native cryp­tocur­ren­cy of the Car­dano blockchain, when DUST is launched.

In response to these spec­u­la­tions, the Car­dano-focused Twit­ter account, ADA whale, shares what he knows so far about the DUST token. He believes that the DUST token would not deval­ue the ADA cryp­tocur­ren­cy, as it exists on a dif­fer­ent chain and would have to gain its rel­e­vance like every oth­er token.

He fur­ther added that “The max­i­mum sup­ply and emis­sions sched­ule of ADA remain unchanged and DUST will nev­er give you a seat at the table of Car­dano con­sen­sus or earnings.”

In response to the pos­si­ble use of DUST as gas on the Mid­night blockchain, ADA whale said, “I think that’s the idea, yeah.”

Users should, how­ev­er, beware of scams or pho­ny tokens, as DUST has not yet been launched.

More on Midnight

Accord­ing to its offi­cial web­site, Mid­night will be a data pro­tec­tion-based blockchain that safe­guards sen­si­tive com­mer­cial and per­son­al data while pre­serv­ing the fun­da­men­tal free­doms of asso­ci­a­tion, com­merce and expression.

The under­ly­ing research is a paper pub­lished two years ago by IOG titled “Kachi­na,” which dives into pri­va­cy-enhanced smart contracts.

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