Better Get Onboard Before Uniglo io Burns Massive Token Supply Can GLO 120X Like DOGE Once Did

DeFi tokens will be the core players of the next bull run. JPMorgan recently executed its first-ever trade using DeFi. The significance of this cannot be overstated: institutional money has been active in BTC & ETH for years. But open interaction with DeFi by financial institutions opens the possibility for DeFi tokens to make rallies investors cannot even fathom.
Uniglo and its store of value have quickly become the favorite amongst analysts as the next token to repeat the 100X phenomena.
Uniglo has investors excited, Business2Community listed it as a project set to explode in 2022, and the recent burn announcement has sent capital allocation into overdrive.
Uniglo delivers a long-term store of value and exposes investors to the rapidly growing application of item tokenisation. Uniglo is on the cutting edge of DeFi and provides a value proposition that the community overwhelmingly desires. Through exposing investors to a unique mixture of digital assets, including high-end physical goods like fine art and real estate tokenised in NFT format, Uniglo provides a capital haven. Investors can park their money in GLO, knowing it will steadily appreciate.
On top of this, Uniglo’s hyper-deflationary token model adds a further value-creation measure to guarantee GLO’s constant appreciation. Tokens like GLO do not appear frequently, and Uniglo has the potential to transfigure the DeFi landscape.
Dogecoin shocked investors globally in 2021. This meme token began an extreme parabolic rally and quickly became front-page news. Many investors became overnight millionaires, and in just five months, DOGE posted gains of more than 15,650 per cent.
DOGE’s success led to the proliferation of thousands of meme tokens, all looking to repeat its success but never quite making it. A core part of DOGE’s success was its first mover advantage: the same advantage Uniglo has in delivering a viable long-term store of value.
Closing Thoughts
The 100X phenomenon remains a vital element of the crypto narrative, and the continued repeat of this phenomenon has maintained the narrative’s existence. Not all investors have the courage to back smaller altcoins, but those that do irrevocably change their lives forever.
Uniglo signals that it wants to start a parabolic rally- the token burn adds fuel to an already blazing fire- and certainly has the potential to do at least a 100X. One senior analyst even stated that a 200X is ‘not outside the realms of possibility when factoring in how badly the crypto space needs a store of value.’
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