Walmart Sellers Now Listing $6,000 Bitcoin Mining Machines

Gone are the days when you must wait in a six-month queue or pay thousands of dollars for an ASIC miner. Nowadays, if you want an ASIC miner, you can grab one directly from Walmart (via Bitcoin Magazine (opens in new tab)). Admittedly, they aren’t dirt cheap, but some have decreased in price.

Bitcoin has seen a downward trend over the last few months. The cryptocurrency started the year strong at around $47,000 in January but has since dropped to around the $20,000 mark in November. Despite Bitcoin’s price reduction, optimistic miners continue diligently working the mines, but these are million-dollar companies with tons of mining equipment. Unfortunately, it’s too late for the average Joe to jump on the mining bandwagon, given the difficulty of mining a bitcoin.

China’s ban on cryptocurrency mining has forced many sellers to take refuge at Walmart to offload their ASIC miners. Walmart’s marketplace has devices from all the big names, including Bitmain, Goldshell, and Canaan. Of course, it’s not only ASIC miners, either. The third-party sellers also commercialize control boards, individual ASIC chips, cables, connectors, and other tidbits you may need to set up your mining operation.

(Image credit: Walmart)

The Walmart marketplace offers ASIC miners options at different price points. We see devices going from $2,500 up to $14,600. For example, Bitmain sells the AntMiner S19J Pro for $9,984 on its online store. The same AISC miner is available at Walmart for $6,000 (opens in new tab), 40% cheaper than buying it from the manufacturer. A seller also listed the AntMiner T19 for $199 (opens in new tab), but it’s out of stock.

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