New Crypto ICOs to Invest in September 22

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With the cryp­tocur­ren­cy mar­ket con­tin­u­ing to suf­fer the effects of infla­tion and inter­est rate hikes, it’s like­ly that many investors are increas­ing­ly look­ing towards the future. This means small­er alt­coins, as well as projects that have only just recent­ly launched, and there­fore have plen­ty of future gains left in them. One way of iden­ti­fy­ing future big movers in the cryp­tocur­ren­cy mar­ket is to focus on ICOs and token pre­sales, since the best of these can offer a way of buy­ing alt­coins ear­ly at very cheap prices.

Accord­ing­ly, this arti­cle com­piles the best new cryp­to ICOs to invest in at the moment. This includes tokens whose ICOs are still in progress, as well as tokens whose ICOs have just ended.

New Crypto ICOs to Invest in September 22

Tamadoge (TAMA)

One of the most excit­ing new alt­coins on the mar­ket, TAMA is the native token of the pet-themed Tamadoge meta­verse/­play-to-earn game. Run­ning on Ethereum, Tamadoge will enable users to mint NFT-based pets, raise them and use them to bat­tle against oth­er players.

TAMA’s pre­sale kicked off in ear­ly August and has just end­ed. Begin­ning with a rel­a­tive­ly mod­est tar­get of $2 mil­lion, it end­ed up rais­ing $19 mil­lion. Such an over­shoot is an incred­i­bly encour­ag­ing sign for its future growth and devel­op­ment, and with its first CEX list­ing set to be announced tomor­row, the coin could start pay­ing div­i­dends for its ear­ly investors soon enough.

Broad­ly com­pa­ra­ble to some­thing like Axie Infin­i­ty, Tamado­ge’s play-to-earn plat­form will give users the chance to bat­tle their Tamadoge pets and earn rewards for doing so. In addi­tion, play­ers will also be able to sell their NFT-based Tamado­ges on the sec­ondary mar­ket, offer­ing real poten­tial for profits.

With already more than 68,000 users on Twit­ter, it’s very arguable that Tamadoge will attract plen­ty of play­ers once its gam­ing meta­verse is launched. As such, it could end up being one of the most suc­cess­ful cryp­to ICOs of the year.

Neptune Mutual (NPM)

Nep­tune Mutu­al is a decen­tral­ized insur­ance provider, facil­i­tat­ing para­met­ric cov­er pools that offer insur­ance against risks relat­ed to the cryp­tocur­ren­cy mar­ket. It raised $5.3m in pri­vate fund­ing in May of this year, after the suc­cess­ful launch of its testnet.

As described in the press release announc­ing this raise, Nep­tune Mutu­al func­tions as a “mar­ket­place for para­met­ric cov­er pro­tec­tion of dig­i­tal assets against hacks and exploits. Stake­hold­ers can choose to assume one or mul­ti­ple roles, for exam­ple, a cov­er pool cre­ator can also choose to become a liq­uid­i­ty provider.”

It has planned an IDO for its NPM token on Poolz, although there’s no fixed date for this token sale as of writ­ing. With­in the Nep­tune Mutu­al ecosys­tem, NPM works as a util­i­ty token, enabling hold­ers to par­tic­i­pate in insur­ance pools.

Magic Square (SQR)

Mag­ic Square is an upcom­ing decen­tral­ized Web3 app store. Run­ning on the Solana blockchain, it com­bines a decen­tral­ized autonomous orga­ni­za­tion (DAO) with cryp­to’s equiv­a­lent of the Apple App Store.

It will hold an ini­tial DEX offer­ing (IDO) on Poolz, start­ing from Sep­tem­ber 26. With­in the Mag­ic Square ecosys­tem, SQR will func­tion pri­mar­i­ly as a gov­er­nance token, offer­ing hold­ers to par­tic­i­pate in com­mu­ni­ty votes and to use cer­tain fea­tures of the Mag­ic Square ecosys­tem (such as access­ing and down­load­ing apps). 

Accord­ing to Mag­ic Square’s page on ICO Drops, 15.5% of SQR’s max­i­mum sup­ply one bil­lion SQR will be made avail­able by the upcom­ing IDO. In the future, it will be pos­si­ble to stake SQR as well as use it with­in the Mag­ic Square plat­form, although this stak­ing fea­ture isn’t due until late 2023.

Mag­ic Square launched the beta ver­sion of its app store in August, and cur­rent­ly boasts over 100,000 fol­low­ers on Twit­ter. Giv­en this progress, it looks like it’s shap­ing up to be a promis­ing new platform.

Swords of Blood (SWORD)

Run­ning on the Solana blockchain, Swords of Blood is a blockchain-based RPG game that promis­es to com­bine play-to-earn fea­tures with gen­uine­ly playable hack-n-slash game­play mechan­ics. It has already accu­mu­lat­ed over 74,000 fol­low­ers on Twit­ter, since start­ing an account in February.

Encour­ag­ing­ly, Swords of Blood is due to launch its beta serv­er in the next few days, offer­ing gamers a chance of what it will actu­al­ly be like to play. This stands in pos­i­tive con­trast to some upcom­ing plat­forms, which have released their native tokens with­out doing the same for their actu­al products.

With regards to Swords of Blood­’s ICO, it began on Sep­tem­ber 1 and has raised $3.9 mil­lion of a $5 mil­lion tar­get. How­ev­er, the games devel­op­ers have actu­al­ly paused the sale, while they update its toke­nomics and its game economy.

This pause might be dis­ap­point­ing for some, but it shows that Swords of Blood­’s devel­op­ers are tak­ing their project very seri­ous­ly. New ICO details will be released short­ly, via the game’s offi­cial channels.

Battle Infinity (IBAT)

IBAT closed its suc­cess­ful pre­sale at the end of last month, rais­ing more than $4 mil­lion in a cou­ple of weeks. Since then, it has received list­ings on Pan­cakeSwap, LBANK Exchange and Coin98, tes­ti­fy­ing to its rapid growth.

In terms of cur­rent prices, IBAT has risen by 3,5% in the past 24 hours, reach­ing $0.00309640. How­ev­er, this rep­re­sents a 13% drop in a week and a 26% fall in a fort­night, although the coin is up by more than 100% com­pared to its pre­sale price of $0.0015.

Based on Binance Smart Chain, IBAT is the native token of the Bat­tle Infin­i­ty is a sports-themed gam­ing meta­verse. Still under devel­op­ment, it will fea­ture a vari­ety of NFT-based games, includ­ing the IBAT Pre­mier League. 

The lat­ter will enable play­ers to build their own fan­ta­sy sports teams made up of NFTs of real-life ath­letes. These teams will then be able to com­pete against each oth­er, with win­ners receiv­ing cryp­to-based rewards.

In time, Bat­tle Infin­i­ty will also grow to incor­po­rate oth­er cryp­to and NFT-based games. On top of this, it will also involve a stak­ing fea­ture, which is now due to launch on Sep­tem­ber 24. 

This comes in addi­tion to its own DEX, and an NFT mar­ket­place, mean­ing that Bat­tle Infin­i­ty is aim­ing to become a thriv­ing platform.

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