Square Enix partners with Oasys PoS Network to set its NFT gaming plans in motion

Square Enix partners with Oasys PoS Network to set its NFT gaming plans in motion

The gaming community whines about Square Enix’s plans to commit to their dreaded NFT future sight

By Shashank Bhardwaj

Image: Courtesy Square Enix

The gaming giant Square Enix recently announced its partnership with the Oasys Blockchain platform as a node validator. The partnership throws light on future NFT gaming projects. The gaming community criticised the Japanese game developer’s decision, as they claim the company is now going to focus more on their blockchain projects. Users took it to Reddit and Twitter, commenting upon this move from the gaming giant. However, some were in support of this decision. The supporters claimed this move to be the next step in the gaming industry, with NFTs providing gamers with an enhanced gaming experience.

Square Enix takes the final spot as the 21st node validator for Oasys’ PoS network. As the next step, the duo plans on creating new NFT gaming projects with proof-of-work compatible PoS blockchain. This can lead to triple-A compatible games being modified with play to earn integrations. Apart from this partnership, Square Enix has also partnered with Sega, Double Jump, Ubisoft, and Bandai Namco. It is worth noting here that Ubisoft was criticised over their NFT project Quartz earlier this year.

According to a tweet by a Twitter user, the Square Enix users are agitated at their moves of selling most of their western studios, investing in crypto and no longer being a ‘fun’ prioritising gaming company. Users tend to claim this move as self-sabotage. Another report said, “Unlike most video game developers who decided to announce their ventures into the jpeg-filled world of NFTs, Square Enix has only been doubling down on it.”

Square Enix has been ramping up their blockchain integrations despite the pushback in 2022. The company leaders claim to be down this road to provide token economies into the games. Per their statement, this move can incentivise the players and content creators from the gaming community. “With advances in token economies, users will be provided with explicit incentives, thereby resulting not only in greater consistency in their motivation but also creating a tangible upside to their creative efforts,” stated Matsuda, CEO of Square Enix. Thus the gaming giant still has its eyes set on a larger goal as claimed by the management and is moving forward with their Oasys’ PoS partnership. The gaming community is reportedly keeping a careful eye on the future moves of the company.
The writer is the founder at yMedia. He ventured into crypto in 2013 and is an ETH maximalist. Twitter: @bhardwajshash

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