Here’s How Many Exchanges Are Ready for Cardano’s Vasil Hard Fork

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Alex Dovbnya

Many exchanges have already started preparing for the upcoming Vasil upgrade, which is expected to take place in September

According to a recent update published by Cardano developer Input Output, Bitrue,, and LCX are the only Vasil-ready exchanges as of Aug. 29.

Bitfinex, Hotbit, Upbit, Kraken, Binance are in the process of integrating the ambitious upgrade.

However, the majority of trading platforms, including Coinbase, haven’t started preparing for the Vasil hard fork.

Input Output believes that a big number of exchanges will start the process of integration this week.

At least 25 exchanges, which represent the lion’s share of ADA’s liquidity, have to be onboarded before the much-anticipated mainnet launch of the Vasil hard fork.  

According to data provided by PoolTool, the majority of Cardano nodes are already reporting the latest version (1.35.3). Seventy-seven percent of mainnet blocks are currently being created by the final Vasil node, which is above the 75% threshold.

The leading decentralized applications by total value locked (TVL) also have to upgrade to the latest node version for Input Output to trigger the Vasil upgrade. Minswap, SundaeSwap, and Wingriders, the three top dApps, are currently testing version 1.35.3 in pre-production.

Last week, Input Output CEO Charles Hoskinson said that the Vasil hard fork was undergoing “extensive testing.” He said that the upgrade was likely to take place in September after numerous delays. Notably, it will coincide with Ethereum’s much-awaited merge upgrade. The exact dates of both upgrades are yet to be revealed.     

The upgrade, which was named after the late mathematician and Cardano supporter Vasil Dabov, is supposed to drastically enhance the blockchain’s performance capabilities.

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