Nearly Half of Americans Have Heard of NFTs

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Alex Dovbnya

Still, only a minuscule share of Americans has invested in non-fungible tokens despite their skyrocketing popularity

Non-fungible tokens exploded in popularity last year, with plenty of famous celebrities using their following in order to promote the new crypto craze.

Their promotional efforts didn’t go in vain. According to a new survey published by Washington, D.C.-based think tank Pew Research Center, 49% of Americans have heard of NFTs despite that this crypto sector was very niche just a few years ago.

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However, American investors do not want to actually buy NFTs. Only 2% of them actually decided to buy digital art, which shows that NFTs are yet to become truly mainstream.

Nearly half of Americans are dissatisfied with their investment

The Pew Research poll shows that 46% of those Americans who have dabbled into crypto are dissatisfied with their investment.

Only 16% of investors say that their cryptocurrencies have performed better than expected.

Nearly a third of American crypto investors say that their returns are “about the same as expected.”

A whopping 88% of Americans are familiar with cryptocurrencies. At the same time, only 16% have so far invested in them.

The vast majority of investors cite the prospects of making money as the main reason why they decided to dip their toes in digital assets.   

Unsurprisingly, men ages 18 to 29 are the most crypto-friendly demographic, with 42% of them trying their luck in crypto.

Only 7% of those who are older than 50 have invested in cryptocurrencies, according to the survey.

Notably, the level of adoption is higher among Asian, Hispanic, and Black Americans compared to White Americans.

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