Top Predictions for the Coming Week! This Could be Next Move for These Altcoins!

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The cryp­to space is under­go­ing a roller coast­er ride since the begin­ning of the week as the glob­al mar­ket cap which was stuck around $1.12 tril­lion, raised beyond $1.2. Mean­while, the mar­ket cap of the alt­coins regained posi­tions above $700 bil­lion. More­over, the deplet­ing dom­i­nance of Bit­coin is rais­ing spec­u­la­tion about increas­ing the strength of the alt­coins in the market. 

There­fore, below men­tioned are some alt­coins which may main­tain a sig­nif­i­cant upswing in the com­ing week.

Chain­link price broke above the sym­met­ric tri­an­gle and reached the cru­cial resis­tance close to $10. While a minor rejec­tion has halt­ed the price ral­ly but the mount­ed buy­ing pres­sure may even­tu­al­ly coil up the price above $10 dur­ing the week­end. The begin­ning of the week­ly trade may be bull­ish but may face a mid-week cor­rec­tion but even­tu­al­ly, hold the $11.3 resis­tance and set­tle around $12.8 by the end of the week. 


Quant price is under­go­ing a par­a­bol­ic recov­ery to regain the lev­els at the impor­tant resis­tance at $150. Pre­vi­ous­ly the alt­coin faced rejec­tion at these lev­els and may repeat the trend but cer­tain­ly not drop hard as before. As the asset is form­ing con­stant bull flags and rang­ing high, anoth­er break­out from the bull­ish flag may secure lev­els above $150 dur­ing the first few days of the com­ing week. 


MATIC price just broke above $1 resis­tance but still has to val­i­date the upturned but clos­ing the day’s trade close to $1.1. How­ev­er, until then the fear of plung­ing back below $1 could haunt the Poly­gon price ral­ly. Mean­while, the trad­ing vol­ume has dropped dras­ti­cal­ly which may not offer the price a wider push, hence com­pelling the price to under­go an ascend­ing con­sol­i­da­tion. There­fore, the MATIC price could even­tu­al­ly con­sol­i­date above $1 through­out the weak and fair­ly vis­it the low­er sup­port at $0.96 a cou­ple of times.

Celsius Network(CEL)

Cel­sius Net­work recent­ly filed for bank­rupt­cy which had heav­i­ly impact­ed the CEL price. How­ev­er, the price since the begin­ning of the week has reg­is­tered a jump of more than 185% while the rounds of short squeeze were pre­vail­ing with­in the space. The buy­ers have now exhaust­ed and hence the pos­si­bil­i­ty of an inter­im pull­back emerges. In con­trast, the bears remain off-the shore & for that rea­son, the upswing may con­tin­ue in the com­ing week.


Flow price seems to have flipped from the low­er sup­port and by this, it has reversed the price trend. The price rebound­ed with a huge influx of buy­ing vol­ume, of which the major­i­ty was exhaust­ed in nul­li­fy­ing the bear­ish impact. There­fore, with the next leg up, the FLOW price is expect­ed to climb close to $4 and accu­mu­late strength by chop­ping around these lev­els. By the end of the week, the price could have surged 20% to 25% to secure lev­els close to $4. 

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