XRP Ledger Pathfinding Demo Is Finally Revealed

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Last night, promi­nent XRPL Labs devel­op­er Wietse Wind shared a demo of a live pathfind­ing tool that he cod­ed via Vue­JS. The tool is designed to eas­i­ly and quick­ly find a pay­ment path between two XRPL accounts. Pathfind­ing, in this case, is based on the pri­or­i­ty of the best price.

To use live pathfind­ing, the user just needs to select the des­ti­na­tion account, asset and amount, then choose the source account, and the tool will show him the best pay­ment options to deliv­er a cer­tain amount. Fur­ther­more, because fresh inno­va­tion is pro­vid­ed on web­sock­et, it will also auto update the path options.

In the XRP Ledger sys­tem, the meth­ods of how tokens pass through all stages with­in a pay­ment are deter­mined pre­cise­ly through the use of paths. Their imple­men­ta­tion sim­pli­fies cross-cur­ren­cy pay­ments by link­ing the sender and the recip­i­ent through orders placed direct­ly on the XRP Ledger DEX. In addi­tion, the use of this method facil­i­tates com­plex debt settlements.

The new devel­op­ment, although still in demo mode, not only makes trans­ac­tions eas­i­er for users of the XRP Ledger project that is gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty, but it also gen­er­al­ly has a favor­able effect on the entire net­work, increas­ing its trans­paren­cy and trustworthiness.


Through thorns to the stars

Despite years of lit­i­ga­tion between XRP/XRPL and the U.S. SEC, the project team and loy­al devel­op­ers has not stopped and are active­ly work­ing on more and more new fea­tures, and the sys­tem itself is being inte­grat­ed by more com­pa­nies from around the world.

Of course, nobody knows how this tri­al will end and whether XRP will ever see new heights, but the active devel­op­ment of prod­ucts shows that the project team wants to final­ly reach for the stars after all.

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