BAKED AVAX smart contract promises up to 8% ROIs for miners

BAKED AVAX is a DeFi Ecosystem created to provide generational wealth and passive income. Giving you the control and power back of your finances. Created by people for the community.

The miner daily ROI is up to 8% and the TVL fluctuation effects daily ROI. New investors can stand to benefit hugely from this. Average is between 4-7% daily ROI and referrals can result in higher daily ROI of 8% too. However, you cannot increase daily ROI by re-baking many times over 24 hours.

The miner referral bonus is as follows; when a user adds AVAX via referral link, it takes 12.5% of their purchase of ‘Beans’ , rewards are AVAX and deposited to ‘My Rewards’ of the miner dApp. The referral code can be shared without limits. Re-bakes are included, as per equation above.

You can find BAKED AVAX contract in and our contract is immutable ensuring investors with an added layer of security. Immutable being unable to be changed. Audited, verified and open source the code is available to the worlds eyes.

The anti-whale mechanism algorithm in the code damages users Beans energy if the user decides to eat consistently. Implementation of this code has resulted in the creation of a more stable dApp for good ROIs. The simplicity of the BAKED AVAX smart contract has left few holes to exploit. Creating a better sense of security.

It’s really easy to use, get in the site listed below and happy Baking!

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Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.

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