6 Best Ways To Get Free NFTs. NFTs are no more an idea surrounded and… | by Thakur Rahul Singh | Apr, 2022

Pic Credits: Pikisuperstar | Freepik

NFTs are no more an idea surrounded and raised by cryptocurrency. In itself, they are a $50 billion market, and as days pass by, new NFT launches from prominent NFT creators and major mainstream celebrities are just making NFT a 21st-century virtual goldmine.

Ever since Mike Winkelmann sold him firstly minted NFT for $69 million, NFTs have been in the news, left, right, and center. Thus with such hype and earning potential, people are after them.

The best part about NFTs for people who don’t have any money is that they can claim free nft tokens in many different ways without creating one.

However, this might seem exciting, but it’s important to note there will be scammers trying to allure you for free nfts, and usually, it’s pretty difficult to tell unless you have purchased nft before.

Therefore for such people, in this article, I want to share the five best ways through which you can get free nfts and maybe make money later down the line.

If you’re into NFT, then Twitter is probably the first place you need to be on. Usually, many creators share their upcoming NFT projects on Twitter, and also, at the same time, some of these projects launch free NFT giveaways as a promotional strategy.

Even though giveaways are running across all social media platforms, Twitter seems to be always filled with nft giveaways. Right now, if you can search for the #NFTGiveaway, you will be amazed to see how many accounts on Twitter are open for giveaways.

Twitter NFT Giveaway

Usually, these giveaways involve:-

  • You following and re-tweeting their tweets
  • You sharing about their project on your profile
  • You tagging your friends to letting them know about the projects

To win a giveaway isn’t really in your hands, but as long as you try to participate in more and more giveaways, your opportunity of getting a free nfts might increase.

Tip:- Follow new creators and new projects which frequently offer nft free tokens via giveaways and if possible, check out their Instagram, Discord, and other social media accounts. If they have a lesser following on other social media accounts, it becomes easier for you to compete on those platforms for a giveaway rather than on Twitter.

Now, imagine working your a** of on Twitter for free NFT giveaways, and at the end of the month/week, you might get one nft for free. Is it worth it?

There;s no way, I will be able say what’s worth it (or) not! However, I can tell you one thing that people are making money with free nft on Twitter. In fact, recently a British woman won an nft for free and sold it for $110K.

This suggestion is a bummer for people who are solely looking to get nfts for free but let me tell you one thing, some nft projects get a lot of hype even before their public launch, and usually, some of these creators might offer a whitelist spot for their mints.

Usually, if you get access to a presale, you’re more likely to get a chance of getting your hand on a NFT at a cheaper price compared to once it’s live. Remember in 2021 that Axie Infinity was available for presale, and many of the Philippines got their hands on this game.

Today, Axie Infinity has proved to be one of best NFT collections ever, and people in the Philippines have even bought homes by playing Axie infinity.

To get on a presale, there are two ways:-

  1. One is going on to prominent websites like Playtoearn and watching out for games that are on presale. Even though the games aren’t live, they will be going through alpha, beta, and presale phase before being publicly available.
  2. Follow Twitter and Discord profiles of major NFT creators, and always watch out for that announcement related to any presales. Often creators might be called it ‘pregame’ or ‘star list,’ which are nothing but whitelist spots for presales.

NFT airdrops are another great promotional tactic used by creators to generate hype around their nfts. Usually, it is harder to get free nft through airdrops than an free nft through giveaways.

However that being, airdrops often happen with bigger nft projects. Hence, if you can get even one free nft through an airdrop, you can make a fortune.

Today, The Bored Ape Yacht Club is considered the world’s most valuable NFT collection, with a floor price of 108 ETH (Approx $280,000). In the recent past, The Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT was airdropped, which was worth millions.

You need to know by now that airdrops are not as easily accessible to everyone as NFT giveaways. But however small nft players always try to replicate airdrops into their strategy, and it doesn’t hurt if you follow their community and get free limited edition nfts as a gift.

For some airdrops, you need to hold a minimum quantity of a certain asset such as a particular NFT or should be using a particular service that qualifies you to receive an airdrop such as transacting on a marketplace.

There are plenty of ways to get access to airdrops and get free nfts for you, but all airdrops come under these three types:-

  1. Standard airdrop: In here, a certain amount of cryptos are sent to your wallet for an exchange of social media promotion (or) with a purchase of NFT. With such airdrops, you’re most likely to know it’s an airdrop, and you can choose to follow their instructions to get free limited edition nfts, only in some cases.
  2. Exclusive airdrop: As the name suggests, these airdrops are exclusive to NFT holders (or) active members of a community, and often these exclusive airdrops are done to thank, appreciate, and their loyal fan base.
  3. NFT airdrop: As I mentioned above, The Bored Ape Yacht Club is known for its hype-building airdrops. Recently Holders of Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs were airdropped variations of Mutant Serum NFT, a free nft. Hence such airdrops are

As people get more and more into nft airdrops, there are gonna more different kinds of airdrops (or) they might be variations of the above airdrops.

Tip:- To begin, go to www.howrare.is/drops and try to actively participate in these airdrops.

The best thing you can do here is to keep an eye out for these airdrops and try to be active in those communities who are frequently doing nft airdrops.

I know I have already mentioned how people have bought houses by playing NFT games. These games often don’t require any upfront cost to pay, and also, as long as you play such games, you’re likely to get rewarded with free nft tokens which you could redeem.

To start playing such games, go to Playtoearn.net and select the best nft project where you see the potential of making money and Wola! That’s a simple way to get free nft.

Play To Earn NFT Games

You can even follow top NFT gaming streamers from Discord and YouTube to know which nft game is hot in the market, and start playing those games to increase your odds of getting free nft tokens and making real money.

Often new nft creators and projects are looking for additional traction to increase their NFT’s floor price and if you have a solid following on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Discord, or YouTube. You could help these small creators promote their accounts, and in exchange you can ask for free nfts.

To do this, having a massive following isn’t necessary, but this way of getting free nfts takes quite a bit of work. Because first, you will need to find projects which can have potential.

Then you need to reach out to their accounts and offer them sponsor posts.

One can create and sell NFTs for free. Once minted you need to go and find creators with existing nfts and offer them an exchange of their nft piece for yours. Polygon’s layer 2 solution allows users to mint, purchase, or transfers ownership of NFTs on Polygon’s blockchain for free. Therefore it your chance to start free and play it safely.

I know this is another simple strategy, but again here there’s a lot of work needs to be done behind creating an nft for free and finding someone who would love to trade his/her’s for free in return for your nft is time consuming.

But I guess in the end, if you’re not willing to invest money than you can choose to invest time, effort, and your strategy.

If you would like to taste the NFT market, then definitely getting NFTs for free is a way to start off your journey. But remember that there will be many scammers who will try to make it difficult for you.

Initially, it would only help as long as you avoid any shiny deals and only proceed after authoritative accounts on social media and follow news from prominent websites to get yourself ahead of most people who are struggling to get nft tokens for free.

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