Oly Sport Metaverse Presents Horse Racing With VR at Popular GameFi Summit in Dubai

- Oly Sport attracted a crowd at the 2022 AIBC Summit Asia.
- Their unique VR experience caught the keen eyes of the crowd.
- Attendees could experience petting and feeding a virtual horse.
The 2022 AIBC Summit Asia saw an incredible array of innovative projects from around the world. In the midst of this, Oly Sport Metaverse offered a unique VR experience at their booth which set them apart from the rest.
To highlight, the VR experience had attendees put on a VR headset to feed and pet a horse, just like in real life. While this version was a demo, it truly brought a thrilling experience to the attendees. The Oly Sport team shared that in the future, users can put on a VR headset to become a jockey racing the horse.
No doubt, the current rising interest and popularity of the metaverse are redefining e-sports. While many companies are scrambling to offer unique experiences for particular sports, Oly Sports found its calling in the horse racing sector.
By combining technologies like VR, the metaverse, and NFTs, users are in for an absolute treat. In particular, Oly Sport allows users to own NFT horses and race them to win virtual and real land, in-game. Players can buy, race, and breed their virtual NFT horses.
What’s more, every NFT horse has its own unique DNA. This gives them a bloodline and life of their own. This means players must feed and take care of their horses in the metaverse like they would a real horse. Thus, the platform comes with stables and farming experiences as well.
Adding on, players can also breed their horses to pass on genetic markers to create a more capable horse. The platform’s breeding algorithm ensures that every NFT horse is unique and no two horses are ever the same. More so, a complex Genetic Algorithm (GA) determines the breeding process by taking bits of the parents’ DNA and passing it on to the offspring.
Much like a real racing horse, bloodlines will determine the performance and value of these NFT horses’ as well. In fact, players can breed horses to create possible champions and trade them over an actual open market. This way players who aren’t interested in racing will also have a place in Oly Sport.
The platform also offers 12-horse racecourses. Each race gives away prizes from a prize pool to the top three winners. Players can even advertise their racehorses and organize events for their friends to come, watch, and attend.
When asked about why the platform was named Oly Sport, Jimmy Chan, Founder & CEO said that the idea came from Olympic horse racing. Hence, they took the ‘Oly’ from ‘Olympics’ to create their brand.
Above all, Oly Sport has a unique vision for the future of NFT horseracing and is delivering on this promise. More than anything, they are bringing an ecosystem that mimics real-life horse racing. It covers horse care-taking, breeding, and racing.
Now, users from every part of the world can put on a VR set and be a jockey whenever their heart desires. Not to mention, the competition on the platform will heat up as the platform grows. Surely, horse-racing enthusiasts all over the world cannot wait to see what’s next.