Cardano Successfully Implements Major Update, Finder Shares Crazy ADA Price Prediction

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Vladislav Sopov

Although major update to Plu­tus design is final­ly live, Car­dano (ADA) price almost touched year­ly lows


On Feb. 14, 2022, Car­dano (ADA) blockchain under­went one of the most cru­cial updates in 2022. Will it be pow­er­ful enough to put an end to a mul­ti-month ADA price dropdown?

Memory limit increased for Plutus Scripts, but ADA dips below $1

Input Out­put Glob­al, a soft­ware devel­op­er team behind the progress of Car­dano (ADA) blockchain solu­tions, announced that the lat­est update to Car­dano’s code­base is up and run­ning now.

Start­ing from today, Feb. 19, 2022, it exits the obser­va­tion mode: it is designed to push the bar­ri­ers of Car­dano’s pow­er and decen­tral­iza­tion for bet­ter dApps performance.

As cov­ered by U.Today pre­vi­ous­ly, every Plu­tus script (Car­dano-spe­cif­ic soft­ware pro­gram for on-chain appli­ca­tions) can now uti­lize more com­pu­ta­tion­al pow­er of Car­dano (ADA)—to the tune of 12%.

Also, accord­ing to the state­ment by Car­dano’s direc­tor of archi­tec­ture, John Alan Woods, Car­dano’s block size increased to 80 kilobytes.

At the same time, the Car­dano (ADA) price inch­es to its low­est since mid-Feb­ru­ary 2021. Today, ADA is chang­ing hands at $0.98 on major spot plat­forms: its price has not been so low since Feb. 23, 2021.

As such, the ADA price lost more than 66% from its all-time high reg­is­tered in Sep­tem­ber 2021 over $3.

Finder panelists: Cardano (ADA) might eclipse $58 by 2030

How­ev­er, even this mas­sive mul­ti-month decline fails to make some ana­lysts pes­simistic about Car­dano’s long-term prospects. All-in-one cryp­to dash­board Find­er orga­nized a pan­el dis­cus­sion to check the sen­ti­ment about Car­dano (ADA) with the expert community.

Cardano (ADA) might reach $58
Image by Find­er

Par­tic­i­pants in Find­er’s pan­el dis­cus­sion (cryp­to entre­pre­neurs, ana­lysts, influ­encers, researchers, advi­sors and so on) are cer­tain that ADA is ready for a 58x rally.

It should be not­ed that in July 2021, experts were 50% less opti­mistic about Car­dano’s (ADA) per­for­mance: they pre­dict­ed its 28x ral­ly in anoth­er eight years.

U.Today reit­er­ates that no expert report should be treat­ed as invest­ment advice; stay vig­i­lant and do your own research before mak­ing any trad­ing or invest­ing decision.

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