Brie Larson Shares NFT On Twitter, Gets Ratio’d

Brie Larson has long been targetted by obsessive weirdos online for the most bizarre reasons. But in equal measure, she’s had her supporters, always ready to point out that these people are being obsessive weirdos. That had been the case since the release of Captain Marvel in 2019, and it didn’t look like this would change anytime soon.

However, Larson has now done something that has the defence squad up in arms, unable to continue their stanning in good conscience. That’s right, she’s doing NFTs.

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The heartbreaking post was shared yesterday evening, with Larson changing her profile picture to her new “Flower Girl” NFT. It’s at least a whole lot easier on the eyes than those Bored Ape monstrosities, but it’s still from the same market that is full of endless scams, pump and dumbs, art theft, and needless excessive power consumption at the rate of a small country.

Unsurprisingly, Larson is dealing with a hell of a ratio. Top replies include “bye Brie”, “friendship ended with Brie”, and “Damnit Brie, this sucks.” Some take the time to try and explain to Larson why NFTs are frowned upon by so many online, such as @pacifickrill who writes: “NFTs are bad for the environment, bad for artists, promote a culture that creates unnecessary scarcity and monitization of everything for no reason, and takes advantage of even the people who engage with it.”

Flower Girl NFTs use Etherium, one of the worst blockchains for power consumption. While it plans to become more environmentally friendly between now and 2023, current estimates put its annual power usage above the entirety of Belgium in the same period. Not really the sort of thing worth investing in while the planet is on fire, quite literally sometimes.

Larson is yet to respond to the criticisms, and her profile picture is still an NFT at the time of writing. It’s not one of those funny hexagonal ones though, so she hasn’t gone into the deep end just yet.

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