Algorand Price Prediction 2022, 2025 and 2030, Algo Technical Analysis

In this article you will learn more about the pros and cons of Algorand, and how it impacts our Algorand price prediction for 2022, 2025 and 2030.

Every year, an estimated $5 trillion is wasted on transaction fees alone. Add the fact that over 2 billion people lack access to the modern financial system. This is because these systems do not see the worth of having them on their books. They simply cannot be commercialized. This is where Algorand crypto comes in, with its state-of-the-art blockchain technology that alleviates some of the scourge caused by traditional financial systems.

Alogorand overview

Algorand blockchain was founded by Turing award winner and MIT professor, Silvio Micali in 2017. It is an open-source payment-focused blockchain network that is primarily focused on solving one of the biggest cryptocurrency challenges: scalability.

To achieve this, Algorand crypto employs a more scalable form of “proof-of-stake” in their network. In cryptocurrency, a proof-of-stake secures transactions by ensuring that no new tokens are created out of thin air. It also ensures holders of the tokens in the network have earned them.

Algorand’s native cryptocurrency ALGO was launched in 2019. During the launch, 10 billion tokens of ALGO tokens were created, with a majority of these coins locked up, and only released to meet demand.

Of the 10 billion ALGO tokens that were created, 2 billion (20 per cent) went to Algorand Inc. 500 million tokens were also allocated to Algorand foundation.

The remaining ALGO tokens will be distributed to platform users over time. This includes an estimated 2.5 billion that will be auctioned by the Algorand Foundation. Furthermore, 1.9 billion will go towards rewarding Algorand network participants. Finally, users running relay nodes will get roughly 3.1 billion tokens.

Algorand Price History

Algorand is a very volatile cryptocurrency, making it harder than usual to derive an Algorand price prediction, but its prices have remained below $3.5 since its founding. During its launch in June 2019, the crypto started trading at $2.19. By June 21st Algorand prices were trading at $3.28, which is also the all-time high of the crypto.

However, in the coming months, the Algorand prices started to drop and by August of the same year, the crypto was trading at $0.19.

The prices would again drop in 2020, and by Match 13, Algorand had set a new trading low of $0.1024.

The last year has also seen the volatility of the crypto, with prices trading within the range of $0.64 to $2.83. Today, the ALGOUSD is trading at 0.928, a drop from the previous day’s trading session.

Algorand Adoption

Algorand has found usage in a number of applications and has been integrated to run on various blockchain technology platforms.

Its adoption can be classified into various categories such as integration partners, and platforms that run on the Algorand ecosystem. Examples of integration partners include KoiBanx, Cartan, Reply, and Euranet.

Some of the platforms that are currently running on the Algorand ecosystem include Six Clover, Eros now, RHOVIT, Hex Trust, Instimatch global, and Razor.

For instance, Marshall Island selected Algorand to power the first national digital currency known as the SOV. The currency will circulate on the Island alongside the US dollar. Authorities on the Island indicated they took the step to help them efficiently operate in the global economy.

Algorand has also found applications to build governing financial assets. This is as seen in the case of StakerDAO, where it is used to qualify individuals for instant participation in Algorand, Tezos, and Cosmos ecosystems.

Algorand Price Prediction 2022

Today’s Algorand prices opened the trading session at $0.92, reached highs of $0.94, before dropping to the current prices of 0.91.

Since the year started, Algorand has lost 47% of its value, and has traded within the range of $0.79 to $1.8. That indicates that the crypto has been very volatile this year. This range is also important and can help us deduce what will happen in the next coming months.

Looking at the daily chart, the prices for this year have not been able to reach a long-term support level of $0.67. Instead, the current 2022 yearly low has been $0.79, and it is still further out from the support levels.

Based on the support and resistance analysis and previous highs and lows in the past year, my Algorand price prediction for 2022 is the crypto will trade within the range of $0.69 and $2.3. These two levels are long-term support and resistance levels that have not been broken for several months.

By year’s end, my Algorand price prediction for 2022 shows that the crypto will be trading at around $2.3. This will be a 252 percent increase on the current prices of the Algorand crypto.

Algorand Daily Chart

Algorand Price Prediction 2025

Looking at Algorand today, you may be mistaken to assume that the current long-term bearish trend will continue forever.

However, the entire crypto market industry is on a downtrend. For instance, Bitcoin is down by almost 50% from its all-time high. This is important to note because my Algorand price prediction 2025 is very bullish, and I expect the markets to resume their bearish move.

Looking at the weekly Algorand chart, I expect the price of Algorand to be trading at around $5 at the start of 2025. My analysis is based on the technical analysis of the historical performances of Algorand. Also, I have taken into account the previous price highs, volatility, and yearly range the crypto has traded since its launch.

For starters, the rate at which the crypto drops in price is higher than it corrects the prices. This year, for instance, has seen the prices drop by 47%, and they are yet to recover.

Therefore, based on these facts, I expect the crypto to trade within a very wide range, and by 2025, the prices to be around $5, a 450% increase from the current prices. Algorand will trade within the brick red region as shown below during the 2023 to 2025 bullish run.

Algorand Weekly Chart

Algorand Price Prediction 2030

Based on my previous Algorand price prediction for 2022 and 2025, I expect it to grow at the same rate between 2025 and 2030. I also expect the crypto to be trading above $10 by 2030. This will be a 1,300% increase in the next 8 years from the current prices of 0.9.

My Algorand price prediction 2030 is also not far off from the crypto’s past performance. For instance, Algorand prices were able to come from an all-time low of $0.1 and trade at $2.8, a 2,800% increase in less than two years. Although I do not expect such volatility going into the future since the prices have stabilized, a 1,300% increase in eight years is a conservative value based on past performances.

The yellow region on the monthly chart below represents the area where I expect the prices of Algorand to be confined between 2025 and 2030.

Algorand Monthly Chart

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