NFT explainer: How do you pronounce NFT?

NFTs have been all over the internet in recent months, reshaping the way we see digital assets and the worth of digital items.

But has anyone ever wondered how you pronounce NFT?

NFT — which stands for nonfungible token — is a digital item that has an unique identifier and number to make it rare and its own item, as the Deseret News reported. We’ve seen this pop up through NFT art, NBA Top Shot digital items and more.

  • In most cases, NFT is pronounced as it reads — EN-EFF-TEE. It’s a simple pronunciation of the letters.

But reporters and editors at The Verge posed an entirely different way of thinking — NFT should actually be pronounced “NEFT.”

  • “Let’s be clear, this is for our own good. It’s the kind of intervention we need when any acronym is longer to spell out in letters than it is to say as a word,” The Verge’s Corin Faife writes.

Flashback: NFT is following in the footsteps of the World Wide Web, which is often seen as “www” and pronounced the same way.

  • “NFTs (are you reading it as ‘nefts’ yet?) are new enough that we can turn the ship around; save ourselves from those extra syllables for as long as these non-fungible tokens are here, which could honestly be measured in months, years or decades at this point,” Faife writes.

Yes, but: Just for balance, those at Futurism posed the question to its audience and found that “EN-EFF-TEE” is still a preferred way to pronounce the acronym.

One thought to go: I’m still a believer that GIF is pronounced like “gift” without the T. So, do whatever you feel comfortable with.

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