CryptoWatch: 2022 Top Coins Not Affected by Hacks? Cryptocurrency Crimes Reach $14b Record

CryptoWatch’s monitoring is also here to look into the top coins of 2022, especially those highly susceptible to hacks that contribute to its loss from the owner and platform. It is highly known that cryptocurrency crime in 2021 reached an all-time high value of $14 billion, which is a massive hole in the decentralized industry and alt coins’ security.

Top Coins of 2022: To Get Hacked by Threat Actors Now?

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(Photo : Executium from Unsplash )

The top coins of 2022 are also known as the top ten in the list of cryptocurrency platforms now. According to CoinMarketCap (as of Sunday, January 16), Bitcoin and Ethereum still lead the list. 

  1. Bitcoin – $815 billion
  2. Ethereum – $398 billion
  3. BNB – $82 billion
  4. Tether – $72 billion
  5. Cardano – $47 billion
  6. Solana – $46 billion
  7. USD Coin – $45 billion
  8. XRP – $37 billion
  9. Terra – $31 billion
  10. Polkadot – $27 billion

The list above shows the cryptocurrency and its standings in the list, alongside the market cap it has on the current circulation in public. 

The top two cryptos in the list, Bitcoin and Ethereum, are two of the top targets of cybercriminals in their hacks and access. It is known that the Ethereum blockchain is one of the most used in the industry (even on NFTs), hence its susceptibility to threats more. 

Read Also: WTF Token Airdrop: Bots Reportedly Drained $180,000 From ETH Users

2021’s Cryptocurrency Crime Value Reaches All-Time Record

On the other hand, last week’s report by Reuters showed a massive record reached by cybercrime and crypto hackers. In 2021, crypto hacks stole $14 billion, which is a record for the crimes behind the digital currency. 

Investigations are still ongoing for these crimes and are not left unsolved.

Cryptocurrency Crime: Will it Prevail this 2022? What About Security?

Crimes against cryptocurrency are a massive thing now, especially as hackers get it quickly because the altcoins are digitalized and do not have any paper trails. However, reports have claimed that it will not be a massive case this year, significantly, as the world of crypto tightens up and is known for the mark it leaves online. 

Every transaction of the coins is known, and despite being taken away from the owner, the cryptocurrency’s use will leave traces in the digital world and lead straight to the hacker. The only challenge now is law enforcement to keep up with the trail and outsmart hackers who do their best to cover their transactions. 

Early this year, North Korean hackers made a massive breach to seven institutions, and it ended up stealing $395 million worth of crypto

Despite the many early hacks right at 2022’s start, people are optimistic that cryptocurrency will prevail and upgrade its security in terms of platforms and the coins themselves. Top coins are always the most targeted as they have high volumes of exchange and growth, something that will always be the target of criminals.

Related Article: SnatchCrypto Hacking Campaign Can Empty Your Crypto Wallet! Targeting Blockchain, DeFi Companies

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Isaiah Richard

ⓒ 2021 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.

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