Chainalysis: North Korean hackers stole $400 million in cryptocurrencies in 2021

Chainalysіs: in 2021, North Korean hackers stole $400 million in cryptocurrencies

In 2021, hackers from North Korea carried out at least seven cyber attacks on cryptocurrency platforms, during which they stole digital assets worth about $400 million. This is evidenced by data from Chainalysis. 

The attacks were aimed primarily at investment firms and centralized exchanges. Attackers used phishing, software vulnerabilities, malware, and other technologies to hack.

From 2020 to 2021, the number of DPRK-related attacks increased, and hackers’ income from hacks grew by 40%, analysts calculated.

Chainalysis: North Korean hackers stole $400 million in cryptocurrencies in 2021

Data: Chainalysis.

The share of bitcoin in the stolen assets was only 20%, most (58%) fell on Ethereum, another 22% – on altcoins and ERC-20 tokens.

Chainalysis: in 2021, hackers from the DPRK stole $400 million in cryptocurrencies

Data: Chainalysis.

Experts have recorded an increase in the popularity of mixing services – in 2021, North Korean hackers laundered more than 65% of stolen funds through them.

Chainalysіs also identified about $ 170 million in cryptocurrencies stolen by DPRK hackers as a result of 49 attacks carried out in period from 2017 to 2021. They are under the control of North Korea, but have not been laundered yet.

Analysts have suggested that the attackers do not withdraw funds in anticipation that law enforcement interest in the old hacks will decrease over time.

Previously Chainalysis experts said that in 2021, attackers targeting the cryptocurrency industry stole a record $14 billion.

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