Crypto job ads jump 400 per cent in a year, says LinkedIn

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Crypto related adverts increased fivefold in 2021 according to LinkedIn research.

Crypto related job adverts on LinkedIn increased five fold in 2021 amid an explosion of interest in digital assets and NFTs.

Job postings with titles including terms such as “bitcoin,” “ethereum,” “blockchain,” and “cryptocurrency” grew 395 per cent in the US year on year, outpacing the tech industry which saw a 98 per cent increase in the same period.

Analysis by LinkedIn found that while most of the crypto job postings were in software and finance, other industries including professional services are also seeing a rise in demand for crypto talent. The most common job titles included blockchain developers and engineers according to the study.

Investors worldwide poured $30bn into crypto and blockchain startups in 2021, according to PitchBook data, boosting employment opportunities in the space.

It comes as a study by payments platform Paysafe revealed that that 55 per cent of digital asset owners would prefer to get paid their salary in cryptocurrency. The figure was highest in the 18 to 24-year-old bracket with 60 per cent of crypto investors keen to be paid in crypto.

The San Francisco Bay area, Austin in Texas, New York City, Miami-Fort Lauderdale and Denver were hotspots for crypto jobs and saw the most digital asset job postings in 2021, LinkedIn told Marketwatch.

Read more: Financial services litigation in 2022: Push payments, crypto fraud, ESG and a jump in interest rates

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