nft: Joining the league: Melania Trump launches NFT on Bitcoin’s birthday

New Delhi: Melania Trump, wife of former US president Donald Trump, has also joined the list of celebrities to launch her non-fungible token (NFT) collection.

The bids are starting from a quarter of a million dollars and is titled ‘The Head of State Collection’ which includes a digital artwork NFT with Motion, signed by the former first lady of US Melania Trump and Marc-Antoine Coulon.

Manav Bajaj, Founder, Panther Quant said that Melania Trump’s NFT collection is built on Solana blockchain and a portion of the proceeds from sales would go to foster kids.

Interestingly, she expressed her support for crypto assets during the 13th anniversary of Bitcoin’s launch, weeks after she announced her own NFT endeavor.

Melania Trump’s tweet came as Bitcoin’s mining hashrate – a metric to measure computational power used to process transactions – soared to an all-time high over the weekend, which industry experts are taking with a pinch of salt.

She launched her own NFT Platform on December 16, 2021, after she premiered her offering, a digital watercolor painting of her own eyes, joining a growing list of celebrities offering their own digital art and memorabilia.

Hitesh Malviya, founder, Itsblockchain said that Melania NFT is an attempt to crash grab by leveraging the popularity, it has nothing to do with Bitcoin.

“She used a Bitcoin birthday post to get impressions from the crypto community but I think it didn’t work out that well,” he added. “Trump supporters might buy her NFTs but not the NFT community.”

Bitcoin was launched by pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto on 3 January 2009. The first block of the Bitcoin blockchain, known as the “genesis block” was believed to be mined by the anonymous founder.

According to crypto experts, NFT and metaverse are currently the most explored avenues in the crypto space and every renowned person is eyeing to cash in the opportunity.

Echoing the similar views, Bajaj of Panther Quant said that launching an NFT platform on the Birthday of Bitcoin will fetch a lot of attention from the rest of the community, especially when it comes to the NFT space.

However, he raised a concern over the whole concept. “There is no mention as to how much of the amount would go to these kids,” he added. “It is obvious that the cause would be seen with skepticism and more of a marketing gimmick.”

Melania’s NFT venture isn’t her first brush with entrepreneurship. She had a jewelry line and once developed a skincare range.

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