Algorand One and Only Dex, TinyMan Pools Got Hacked Today.

Today, Tinyman pools Reported through twitter about the hacking Incident. The details as follows :
The attack has been executed on multiple pools until now. The financial incentive for the attack varies from pool to pool so not all pools have been attacked.
As a trustless protocol Tinyman uses immutable contracts.
Reported by @tinymanorg on twitter.
This unfortunately means there is no ability for a quick fix to this problem for the current pools. We will work on a fix for the problem and deploy a new version of the contracts and put a migration plan in place.
Reported by @tinymanorg on twitter.

Unauthorized users launched an attack on certain Tinyman pools on January 1st, 2022, by exploiting a previously unknown vulnerability in the Tinyman contracts. The attack was successful. During the initial hours of the attack, the vulnerability resulted in a depletion of specific ASAs, which resulted in increased volatility in the hours after the attack.
While the tinyman pools team is still identifying the cause of this attack, here are the first few findings about the incident which can be read here as public announcement made by the team after the incident.
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