Justin Sun to take Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin flight to space, will choose five individuals to join him

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Justin Sun, the founder of the cryp­tocur­ren­cy plat­form Tron, revealed his plans to fly to space next year and is cur­rent­ly hand­pick­ing five indi­vid­u­als who will join him on the mission.

The cryp­to entre­pre­neur dis­closed he chose Jeff Bezos’ com­pa­ny Blue Ori­gin for his space journey–revealing him­self as the mys­te­ri­ous auc­tion win­ner who bid $28 mil­lion last sum­mer to secure his seat on the inau­gur­al flight. 

Joining the elite group of space travelers  

“I won the auc­tion 6 months ago but missed the launch. How­ev­er, this did not stop my love for space,” said Sun on Twit­ter, adding that he will final­ly ful­fill his child­hood space trav­el dream.

Sun recent­ly announced step­ping down from his posi­tion of CEO at Tron and tak­ing up a job with the gov­ern­ment of Grena­da as its ambas­sador to the World Trade Orga­ni­za­tion (WTO) in Geneva.

In an inter­view with Bloomberg, Sun declared he would be tak­ing the flag of the Caribbean nation with him on the trip. 

Sun’s dream team crew

Tron founder also announced he will be shar­ing this adven­ture with five hand­picked indi­vid­u­als, and in order to select the lucky line­up, Sun launched the “Sea of Stars” campaign.

“I want to share my joy with every­one in the TRON DAO com­mu­ni­ty and the whole cryp­to world,” said Sun, accord­ing to whom, “space belongs to everyone.”

The first mem­ber of the crew will be cho­sen from the ranks of promi­nent fig­ures in cryp­to, while the sec­ond seat is reserved for a TRON DAO com­mu­ni­ty member.

The third and the fourth seat will be giv­en to an entre­pre­neur in the Tech field and an artist inspired for space-themed art­work creation. 

Final­ly, the fifth nom­i­nee “will be a high­ly vis­i­ble and social­ly influ­en­tial celebrity.”

“Each nom­i­nee shall hold a spe­cial sta­tus in their field while hav­ing a strong will to explore space,” Sun explained, not­ing that he will be releas­ing the names of his future crew-mates sequentially. 


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