XLM is a fork of XRP Raw Code Is Exact Same Software Updates Different Fee Going Up

Stellar Expressed:  1. Fees have been a bit higher lately due to surge pricing 2. But on average, they’re still quite low (30 day avg: 0.0004855 XLM) 3. However, if you’re getting errors submitting transaction, you may need to increase your fee bid.

There is more to know for those who are interested under the blog titled:  Transaction, submission, Timeouts and Dynamic Fees FAQ.

Community Reaction:  What are you and XRP up to? Both networks now require higher transaction fees? What’s hogging all your node bandwidth?

Why would you assume there’s any link between the two? Why would you assume there is no link! – Price movements – Jed McCaleb was a founding member of Ripple and owns a shit tonne of XRP – ISO20022 certification – Transaction fee increase on both networks out of nowhere – MoneyGram used both technologies.


Price movements are more likely due to both following Bitcoin – Jed might own a lot of XRP but he doesn’t work for ripple anymore. – for some reason people still think XLM is a fork of XRP, it’s NOT I don’t see why any other points would imply a link that would effect price.


XLM is a fork of XRP. Yes. The software updates were different but the raw code is the exact same.


Show me an audit of the code – I see you enjoy your head in the sand. Let’s agree to disagree.

Please.  Nobody uses this for any purpose outside of trading your crummy coin. This is heading to zero.


Sounds like the XRPL to me, I bet they share.


XLM guys gets invited to congress to speak and educate about stable coins and digital assets, price of SLM down 9 % the next day.


“Decentralized” they said!  The reason is clear and clear! Actually, that’s not the price! They only suppress this price in Futures.  The reason for the increase in wages is obvious. The price we see is not the real price.


Can stellar developers fix the tokens inflation and stop the deflation of the XLM? If they can’t I will, but your buddies won’t like it.


Surge pricing not surge in price, because price is lower. Still holding and believe in this project though.


But why fee going up? I know it’s low and all but how come fee goes up but XLM price doesn’t? Just curious how we raising fees? Why ? What is causing this? (And I know it’s low but why? Just asking why? What the rational? Thanks






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