Just in Time for the Holidays, 6 Companies Jumping on the NFT Boom

When 19th-century English poet Lady Mary Montgomerie Currie suggested, “Good things come to those who wait,” she never specified for how long impatient people would need to stand by before growing increasingly frustrated. For the last several months, millions of people worldwide have been forced to sit back and be patient while waiting for products—clothing, books, and furniture, among other things—they ordered months ago. After all, not too long ago, anyone could buy a made-to-order sofa online and fall asleep on it a mere six weeks later. But now, almost two years into the pandemic, waiting has become a regular feature of everyone’s daily routine, which is less than ideal when shopping for holiday gifts. That’s where NFTs, a potential savior to the massively delayed global supply chain, come in handy.
NFTs, non-fungible tokens, are essentially one-of-a-kind trading cards that are utterly unique, meaning you can’t trade an NFT for an NFT of the same value. Similar to when Jack traded his cow for three magic beans, people offer money—usually in the form of cryptocurrency—for a digital product, such as a drawing or video.
NFTs have become quite legitimate art forms in recent years. At this year’s Art Basel in Miami, 42-year old Armenian artist Narine Arakelian displayed her first NFT as a painting dubbed “Live.” The NFT comes with an embedded contract promising one of her eggs to whoever buys her work. Whether or not the world is on board, NFTs are a thing, and unlike the vintage poster shipping from a small shop in Paris or the new sectional coming from a warehouse in Asia, NFTs are immediately transferable. They’re offering a solution to the massive shipping delays just in time for gift-giving season.
So, if you’re looking for a holiday gift, but don’t want to wait for it to arrive, here are five companies that are making the jump to NFTs.