Centcex to Launch No KYC Crypto Exchange which is Safer than KuCoin

  • Safe and security cryptocurrency exchange.
  • The platform will offer a better user experience.
  • There will be more products in the ecosystem.

Centcex coin has released its 2022 roadmap, and the crypto community is very excited. The first phase, which has been about the laying foundation, including the launch of the token, the coin has established itself as a force to reckon with in DiFi.

Centcex is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency decentralised exchange. The team working on this project says it is developing one of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges that will give users a better experience and ensure their asset and data safety. The team say it is building a No-KYC exchange that is safer than KuCoin.

KuCoin is still one of the biggest exchanges in the crypto market but has been having issues with customer experience when it comes to the safety of the crypto coins and data. KuCoin is still implementing the KYC, especially on the accounts transacting large amounts of crypto coins. So, the exchange is yet to be completely anonymous, which means KuCoin users’ data is still at risk of being obtained by a third party.

This is a problem that Centcex is eradicating with its soon be launched No KYC DEX, which will be safer than KuCoin. The team is providing a very practical solution to the problem of data safety. To ensure users can trade anonymously, the exchange will use the Proof-of-Stake consensus protocol, which is safer from hackings.

The PoS consensus method runs using validators as minors. Validators are the token holder that stakes their tokens for the running of the network. The token bought during the presale and public sale can be staked, and in return, the investors get rewards from the revenues generated by the network. The validators have the job of verifying the transaction and building new blocks on the blockchain.

For the Centcex exchange, it will require 51%-plus validators to verify a transaction. This will make it impossible for hackers to hack because they cannot raise this number of validators. The losses the 51%-plus validators would make from a hacking attempt would be more expensive than any gain. This is what will keep the DEX anonymous and safer than KuCoin, according to the team.

Centcex approach to the building of this Defi project is unique and has attracted a lot of interest from the crypto community. The team has one of the most rewarding programs. The staking process will share 100% of the revenue generated by the products among staked tokens.

With tokenomics setting aside 3% of the tax on all transactions for unlimited product development, it means the team is planning to have as many products as possible in the ecosystem. This means more revenue will be generated in the Centcex ecosystem, which translates to more money for the investors staking tokens.

Follow Centcex social medial platform and visit their website for the latest updates!

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