YearRise Coin launched to create Defi Savings and Passive Income for the Future

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YearRise Coin launched to create Defi Savings and Passive Income for the Future

Year­Rise is a new unique DeFi sav­ings util­i­ty token devel­oped by HongKong based Cryp­to Innovators

On Nov 12, 2021, a new unique DeFi sav­ings util­i­ty token was launched by the name of Year­Rise for pre­sale and on 13th of Nov in pan­cake swap exchange. Based on an inno­v­a­tive tech­nol­o­gy that was devel­oped by a group of HongKong based cryp­to enthu­si­asts, it is based on the belief that DeFi is the future of blockchain-based finance.

The con­cept of Year­Rise is based on devel­op­ing fea­tures that help peo­ple to save and gain more by hold­ing their token in a DeFi envi­ron­ment with Year­Rise. Year­Rise smart con­tract auto­mat­i­cal­ly always pay­out 8% Binance pegged BSC USD (USDT) to all hold­ers. What makes it excit­ing is that it’s giv­en every hour once the vol­ume is hit. 

In addi­tion to it, hold­ers can also go to their unique set­up inbuilt cal­cu­la­tor on their web­site to do up a rough esti­ma­tion of their invest­ment return by inputting the num­ber of tokens they intend to invest, the USDT returns expect­ed and the com­pound­ing rate of increase in tokens they can achieve in a day, week, month and year if they decide to rein­vest their USDT rewards. 

Talk­ing to the media one of the key spokesper­sons at Year­Rise was quot­ed say­ing “One of the unique capa­bil­i­ties of Year­Rise is the online dash­board where any­body can check the pay­out they have received and the upcom­ing pay­outs at the same time.”

Most token rewards are giv­en in the form of token reflec­tions and need to go through the has­sle of sell­ing to con­vert into sta­ble coins. This may result in some wastage of gas fees. Year­Rise con­tract is auto­mat­ed to con­vert every buy and sell tax­es where 8% will be reward­ed to all hold­ers straight into sta­ble coin USDT. 

Year­Rise smart con­tract does pro­vide an auto­mat­ic accu­mu­la­tive buy­back sys­tem where every tax trans­ac­tion of 3% will go into the smart con­tract and be stored as BNB. No one can touch this stored amount even the devel­op­er and can only be acti­vat­ed to per­form the buy­back in times to help on the sup­port or break through the resis­tance on the price of Year­Rise. The buy­back func­tion will man­u­al­ly turn on at a ran­dom date of the com­ing two weeks.

Year­Rise has a unique auto­mat­ic hyper-defla­tion­ary burn­ing mech­a­nism with a start­ing total sup­ply at 100m tokens and cur­rent­ly with­in a week, the sup­ply had left with 97.5m. It can be seen in the con­tract itself. With a low total sup­ply, this is an excep­tion­al real­is­tic mech­a­nism for investors to see $1 or even $10 and $100 in the future. 

As a new­ly launched token YRT has already reached an all-time high of 3million in mar­ket cap giv­ing its hold­ers 3times more on their invest­ment. With­in 10 sec, 600 BNB high-cap got sold out in pre­sale which is a record.

With­in 3 days of the launch, YRT was list­ed by Coin­mar­ket­cap and Coingecko. With­in the first 3 hrs of launch, it has giv­en USDT reward of $58000 to all YRT hold­ers in the first 3 hours of launch. 

Year­Rise has the goal to be a plat­form to help every­one gain more returns by hold­ing their token with them. They also want hold­ers to achieve cap­i­tal gain due to the hyper defla­tion­ary mech­a­nism on the total supply. 

They are plan­ning to pro­vide a unique util­i­ty DAPP that is built with DeFi func­tions- a first in the mar­ket. In Decem­ber they plan to go on CEX. There is also an upcom­ing util­i­ty devel­op­ment on a unique exclu­sive social wal­let called DeFi yChat Pay with fea­tures like a pri­vate chat room for text and voice mes­sages, swap func­tion for cryp­to, live port­fo­lio track­ing, rewards dash­board, and peer-to-peer (P2P) ser­vices. A cer­tain per­cent­age of fees gen­er­at­ed from Dapps will be reward­ed back to holders. 

With the tag line “Save With Year­Rise, Max­i­mize Your Returns” there is no doubt they will meet their goals.

To join Year­Rise, vis­it For updat­ed fol­low them on Telegram and Twit­ter @yearrise

Media Con­tact
Com­pa­ny Name: Year­Rise Finance
Con­tact Per­son: Mr. Fong
Email: Send Email
Phone: +852 64614825
Coun­try: HongKong

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