Over here in Bitcoin, we need warriors: The 300, not the Arcadians.
41. If your name is Peter Schiff, Raoul Pal, Elon Musk, Mark Cuban or Lex Fridman:
We all know what kind of clowns you four are.
Raoul should stick to jpegs, rainbow dildos and MetaVerse dates with Vitalik;
Elon should put his entire fortune into Doge;
Cuban should buy bananas;
Lex should sell all his bitcoin with love.
And Peter…please, for the love of Satoshi, stay out of it. If you actually start buying bitcoin, then we all know it’s going to zero.
42. If you think I’m joking:
No I am not.
I get genuinely happy when bitcoin drops, not because I get to buy more cheap corn (that’s nice to have, but $20,000 differences now mean fuck all later), but because it shakes out all the lemmings and losers.
A new elite is forming, and one whose core principles and character is different from the “masses” that preceded them.
We’re building an ark, and whilst everybody is technically invited, the price of admission is high. This price is not a payment of toilet paper money issued by your overlords. The price is
one of character. The price to pay is pain, patience and perseverance.
No ”remnant” wants to go to war with the Acadians by his side. He goes to war with Spartans by his side.
Yes Bitcoin is for “anyone,” but it’s not for everyone. There is a difference.
So to sum up: If you’re in any way hurt by my comments, fuck you.
Sell your bitcoin. Put your money where your mouth is.
I gave many of you reasons to NOT buy Bitcoin in 2020.
Now I’ve given you another 42 reasons to do so.
Why did I pick 42?
I don’t know. Why did Satoshi pick 21 million?
Neither matter.
What matters is that there is a clear and defined, enforceable and verifiable maxima in Bitcoin, and there are clear reasons to SELL YOUR BITCOIN NOW if you qualify for any of the above.
If you do not, and after reading this are instead interested in acquiring more … then maybe … perhaps, just maybe you will become a real Bitcoiner, someone who puts in the work and can prove it via a deep understanding of why we’re here, what Bitcoin actually means, and why no amount of price movement in these first couple of formative decades means anything.
If you want to understand what it means to be a Bitcoiner, some characteristics may be found here .
The world is coming to terms with how to value perfect money and in the process Bitcoin will absorb the other half of everything.
If you’re panicking about a $30,000 drop, your ancestors will spit on your grave. And rightly so.
This interregnum, what I like to call “The Great Transition,” will not be straightforward. This is not some warm and fuzzy process where we’re all equal and nice to each other.
Bitcoin is reality.
There is no rewind or replay button.
It’s going to test you, and the test is real life.
Bitcoin cares as much about your well being as gravity does.
It applies to all, and there is no escaping it. Beautyon said it perfectly:
“Finally, Bitcoin doesn’t care what you think. It doesn’t care about anything. What you think doesn’t matter; that is the ultimate power of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is like a force of nature. You must conform to ethical standards of behavior in the Bitcoin-mediated world, or starve, since the option of violence is taken off of the table.” – Beautyon
This journey is a rite of passage. It’s not about getting rich, and it’s not even about a legacy. It’s about building a fucking dynasty.
Cheap Sats are a bonus, but it goes far beyond that.
It’s about unevenly distributing bitcoin into the hands of those who get it, who care and who are willing to go up with the rocket or down with the ship.
These shakeouts mean that the future kings, lords, emperors and gods will have more.
Whilst the parasites, slaves and lemmings will have less.
We are going back to the age of greatness
Bitcoin falling in price sharply, on a regular basis wipes out all the shitcoiners and get-rich-quick sub-humans so that the royals, nobles and pure bloods can collect.
Nature is healing.
This is what it looks like.
And as Randy Savage would say … “You may not like it, but accept it.”
This is a guest post by Aleks Svetski of anchor.fm/WakeUpPod, and https://bitcointimes.news. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.